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Development of chemistry

… is known at present as the science of substances and their transformation originated in …, the most technically ….country of the ancient world. In Egypt … was considered to be a “divine” science and was kept entirely in the hands of …. Nevertheless some … leaked outside the borders of Egypt. It … through Europe to other countries. The Arabs changed the … … “chemeia” to “alchemy”. It is well known that from the very time numerous … appeared. Their aim was to find out …. In these attempts they … a lot of chemical …. The results of their work were kept … many of their discoveries were lost.

A … change took place in alchemy in the first half of the 16th century. The main … of alchemy were Paracelsus and Agricola. “The aim of chemistry lies not in making … and silver, but in preparation of …”, wrote Paracelsus. He considered that all living thing … three elements in different …: salt (body), mercury (soul), sulphur (spirit). Some … ideas of alchemy reflect in modern chemistry.


Exercise 4: Find the right translation:

Рад вас видеть (снова) It’s been a long time!
Как давно мы не виделись! I’ve no idea who he is
Сколько лет, сколько зим! Come in and make yourself at home.
Я вас не видел целую вечность! She and I are colleguaes.
Проходите и чувствуйте себя как дома! How are you getting on/ How are things? – All right, thank you.
Как вы поживаете? – Спасибо, хорошо. А вы? – Нормально (неплохо), спасибо. (Не очень хорошо. По-разному. Не могу пожаловаться.) Do you know her? – Not really, I’ve just nodding acquaintance with her.
Как дела? – Спасибо, хорошо. I know him slightly
Они хорошие/ старые/ близкие/ закадычные друзья Thanks for helping us out, Jack. You’re a real pal.
Мы с ней коллеги I haven’t seen you for ages!
Спасибо, что помог нам, Джек. Ты – настоящий друг. They are good/ old/ close/ bosom friends.
Мы уже знакомы. Long time no see!
Я его немного знаю. How are you? – Fine, thanks. And you? – OK. (Not too/ so bad), thanks. (Not so good, really. Oh, up and down. Well, mustn’t grumble)
Понятия не имею, кто он такой. We are already acquainted.
Ты знаешь ее? – нет, просто шапочное знакомство (It’s) nice/ good to see you here (again).

Exercise 5: Make the dialogues according to the cases:

Exercise 6: Play the dialogue and make similar one:

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 469 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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