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Continue, end, excuse, get, left (2 x), next, opposite, right, second, straight on, thank, turn, welcome

1_____me, how do I ______to the cinema?

2. Go______________________________

3. Turn __________________at the corner.

4. Then take the _____road on your______

5________to the ___________of the road.

6__________________________left there.

7. The cinema is on your___, ___the castle.

8_____________________you very much.

9. You’re___________________________

III. Look at the map and do the following exercises.

Define if the sentences are true (T) or false (F). Correct the false ones

1. The jewelry store is behind the Italian restaurant

The bar is on Second Avenue

The police station is on the left from Fire Department

The toy store is across from the Chinese restaurant

The movie theater is opposite the Book store

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 516 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

studopedia.org - Студопедия.Орг - 2014-2024 год. Студопедия не является автором материалов, которые размещены. Но предоставляет возможность бесплатного использования (0.009 с)...