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Reading comprehension

I. Read the text once again and find in the text English equivalents for the following Russian phrases:

обмануть, перепутать с чем-либо, указать на ошибку, купюра, афера/обман, имущество, протирать/вытирать, обокрасть, драгоценности, портативный ноутбук, пункт обмена валюты, горсть ничего не стоящих монет, купе в вагоне, стучать в окно, фальшивомонетчик.

II. Read the extracts and match a title to each one.

A. The airport scanner set-up

B. The fake policeman routine

C The disgusting substance scam

D. The crooked currency exchange

E. The train compartment trick

III. Answer the question with the correct paragraph number. Which scam:

1. Happens when you are trying to save money? ________________

2. Involves a person in authority? ____________________________

3. Happens before you board your plane?______________________

4. Occurs because you leave your bags unattended? ______________

5. Involves someone pretending to help you? ____________________

IV. Find the words in the text that match the following definitions a-j.

a) money and expensive possessions


b) a machine which moves things along automatically


c) suddenly starts making a loud sound


d) very happy


e) an unofficial system for doing business


f) with no value


g) to escape on foot


h) knocks gently with the ends of fingers


i) comes towards you


j) gives something to someone



I. Two Chinese Americans, Jun and Wei, are visiting Sydney, Australia. They are at Central Station. Listen to their conversation and mark the places and streets mentioned on the map.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 332 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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