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Lexical exercises

Active vocabulary

I. Read the following dialogues in pairs, paying attention to the words in bold.

A. Reserving the room at the hotel

Receptionist: Hello. Northern Star Hotel. Can I help you?

Mr. Brown: Yes. I'd like to reserve a single room with bathroom, for three nights, from Wednesday, the 12th of February, to Friday, the 14th of February, inclusive.

Receptionist: Let me see... Yes, sir. A single room for three nights with English breakfast, is that right?

Mr. Brown: Yes, that's right.

Receptionist: What is your name, please?

Mr. Brown: It isn't for me, it's for Mr. Clyde.

Receptionist: Could you spell it, please?

Mr. Brown: Yes, of course. C-L-Y-D-E.

Receptionist: Thank you, sir.

Mr. Brown: Shall I send a deposit?

Receptionist: No. It isn't necessary, sir.

Mr. Brown: Thank you very much.

B. Checking in

John: Good evening, I have reserved a double room for three nights at your hotel.

Receptionist: What is your name, please?

John: Mr. Clyde.

Receptionist: Yes. We have reserved a room for you. It is room 235. It’s quiet and comfortable. Will you register, please? Here are the forms.

John: How much do I pay?

Receptionist: Ninety dollars a day plus tax. How will you pay?

John: Can I pay with a credit card?

Receptionist: Sure. The porter will take your s uitcases and show you up the room.

John: Thank you.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 458 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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