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To describe accurately how food is cooked, the following verbs are used

To describe accurately how food is cooked, the following verbs are used:

baked cooked in the oven (used for cakes, bread, etc.)
boiled cooked in very hot water
broiled grilled/barbecued
fried cooked in oil on top of the cooker
grilled cooked under a strong heat
roast cooked in the oven, usually with a little oil (used for meats and vegetables)
steamed cooked over water

Some common adjectives for food and drink:

savoury –sweet (food)

hot, spicy–mild (curry dishes)

rich, heavy–light (dishes)

still-sparkling, fizzy (mineral water)

Other expressions:

It’s served with…/made from…

It’s a mixture of…and…

It comes with…

It’s a kind of…

It’s made from…with…and cooked in…

I think you will like it…

You may not like it…

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 430 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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