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III. You are going to talk about your business trip. Think of a recent trip you have made and write notes to answer each question below.

I. What are the advantages and disadvantages of living and working in Russia? Make up a table to summarize the facts

advantages disadvantages

II. Prepare a speech for foreigners who are going to work for your company and have just arrived. Speak about advantages and disadvantages of living and working in your country.

III. You are going to talk about your business trip. Think of a recent trip you have made and write notes to answer each question below.

When you have prepared your notes, work with a partner and interview each other.

· Where was the journey from and where was it to?

· What form of transport did you use?

· Who did you go with?

· How much time did you spend preparing for it?

· What did you take with you?

· What was the weather like?

· How long did it take you?

· How many times did you stop en route? What for?

· Did anything unusual or unexpected happen?

· Would you go on the same journey again? Why/why not?

Lesson 3. Buying a ticket

Warm up

I. Discuss with your partner.

1. Do you like flying or are you afraid of it? Say why.

2. If you might choose which means of transport would you go by?

3. What was your most or least enjoyable journey?

4. What is the most important for you?

· safety

· comfort

· exact departures and arrivals

· good food and drinks

· price of the tickets/discounts

· attentive staff

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 461 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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