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Franklin makes his way in the world

Unfortunately, the brothers did not get along well together. James often abused Benjamin, and in 1723 the young apprentice broke with his master and ran away to Philadelphia.

At the age of seventeen, with little money in his pocket but already an expert printer, Benjamin Franklin proceeded to make his way in the world. He worked hard and studied hard. He taught himself French, Spanish, Italian and Latin. He was never idle, and spent his spare moments in study and reading.

In 1724 he went to England and came back to America in 1726. In 1729, when he was twenty-three years old, he became a sole owner of a printing shop and began to publish a newspaper of his own, called the "Pennsylvania Gazette". In 1732 it was followed by his famous annual, the "Poor Richard's Almanac". His wife Deborah Read, who he had married in 1730, was his good and faithful helpmate and assisted him much in his business. Benjamin Franklin lived to a good old age, and served his country in many ways.

Before he retired from business at the age of forty-two, Franklin had founded a library, invented a stove, subscribed to an academy that was to become the University of Pennsylvania, and served as secretary to the American Philosophical Society.


the brothers did not get along well together — братья не ладили между собой

to abuse — плохо обращаться

an expert printer — опытный печатник

a sole owner of a printing shop — единоличный владе­лец печатной мастерской

famous annual, the "Poor Richard's Almanac" — знаме­нитый календарь, "Альманах простака Ричарда"

faithful helpmate — преданная помощница

lived to a good old age — дожил до преклонного возраста

to retire from business — удалиться от дел

the American Philosophical Society — Американское фи­лософское общество


1. Переведите на русский язык:

Unfortunately, the young apprentice, at the age of seventeen, with little money in his pocket, to publish a newspaper of his own, to make his way in the world.

2. Выпишите из текста предложения, содержащие следующие словосочетания и переведите их на русский язык:

And in 1723 the young apprentice, Benjamin Franklin proceeded to make, his wife Deborah Read, served his country in many way, the University of Pennsylvania.

3. Составьте предложения со следующими словами и словосочетаниями:

… worked hard, studied hard, …spent his spare moments, study and reading, a sole owner, good and faithful helpmate.

4. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

1. Why did Franklin run away to Philadelphia?

2. What languages did he learn?

3. When did he become a sole owner of a printing shop?

4. What did he publish?

5. In what ways did Franklin serve his country?

6. Learn Franklin's favourite proverbs by heart and try to find their Russian equivalents.

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