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Benjamin Franklin was born on Milk Street in Boston. His parents were poor, but brought up a family of seventeen children. Benjamin was the tenth son in the family. His father, Josiah, earned a living by making soap and candles. Josiah wanted Benjamin to become a minister and enrolled him in Boston Grammar School.
Josiah's plans turned out to be too ambitious. Benjamin had to leave school and work for his father. In those days even little children helped to support the family. Working in his father's shop, Benjamin had to cut the wicks for candles as well as fill the moulds with hot tallow. The work he did was very monotonous. Poor Benjamin began to dream about running away from home. He used to say he hated his father's business and often threatened to run away to sea. It was quite a natural desire. When a boy, Benjamin was fond of swimming and managing boats. Like many boys, he wanted to be a sailor.
His father told him he would never do for a sailor. Somehow he managed to persuade Benjamin to think about another job. At the age of twelve Benjamin was apprenticed to his brother James, a printer. For a time Benjamin was happy. He loved books and reading, and was glad to learn the printer's trade.
James Franklin printed a newspaper called the "New England Courant". Benjamin saw many people coming to James and bringing him articles for his newspaper. He wanted to write an article himself. Soon he began to write some pieces for it.
He did not want James to know about it. The elder brother would laugh at him. So Benjamin decided not to sign his articles. He used to slip them at night under the door of the office. He was very glad to see them published in the newspaper.
Benjamin Franklin — Бенджамин Франклин (1706—1790)
earned a living by making soap and candles — зарабатывал на жизнь изготовлением мыла и свечей
minister — священнослужитель
enrolled him in Boston Grammar School — определил его в Бостонскую классическую школу
to support the family — содержать семью
to cut the wicks for candles — нарезать фитили для свечей
to fill the moulds with hot tallow — наполнять формы горячим салом (речь идет об изготовлении сальных свечей)
Benjamin was apprenticed to his brother James, a printer — Бенджамин стал учеником у своего брата Джеймса, печатника
the printer's trade — ремесло печатника
"New England Courant" — "Газета Новой Англии"
articles for his newspaper — статьи для его газеты
to sign — подписывать
to slip — незаметно подсовывать
1. Переведите на русский язык:
Josiah's plans, had to leave school and work for his father, to support the family, the tenth son in the family, a family of seventeen children.
2. Выпишите из текста предложения, содержащие следующие словосочетания и переведите их на русский язык:
Working in his father's shop, poor Benjamin, Benjamin was fond of swimming, to learn the printer's trade.
3. Составьте предложения со следующими словами и словосочетаниями:
Earned a living, soap and candles, printed a newspaper, many people, to write some pieces, to know about it.
4. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:
1. Where was Benjamin Franklin born?
2. Why did he leave school?
3. Where did he begin to work?
4. Did he run away from home?
5. How did he become a printer?
6. How were his first articles published?
Дата публикования: 2014-10-23; Прочитано: 589 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!