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All the laws meant to raise money from the colonies were met with great indignation in America. But the Americans were too far off, and Parliament did not pay attention to their emotions.

In 1763 the Navigation Laws were introduced. They stated that the goods were to be brought to and from the colonies only by the British ships. Thus the colonists were deprived of the choice between the Dutch and British shippers. In addition, all the goods from Europe consigned to America were to be landed first in England. That was introduced to make the colonists pay customs duties twice, first in England, and then in America. Naturally, the Americans wildly protested against that double taxation.

In 1764 the Sugar Act was issued for raising duties on foreign sugar imported from the West Indies. It caused great agitation in the colonies, and it calmed down only when the duties were lowered.

Two more parliamentary acts on taxes followed. The Quartering Act of 1765 made the colonies provide quarters and food for the British army in America. The Stamp Act issued the same year was also passed as a means of raising revenue in the colonies. It required the purchase of stamps for all official documents and printed production. People were forced to use stamped paper for notes, bills, deeds, contracts and similar things.

The colonists tried to make King George III repeal the acts. They were particularly active in opposing the stamp tax.

The most conspicious assemblage took place in New York. Twenty-seven delegates from nine colonies drew up a document asking the king and Parliament to repeal the hated stamp tax. That meeting became known as the Stamp Act Congress of 1765.

On the eve of the Stamp Act imposition all the stamp agents were forced to resign. Many of them were attacked by angry mobs threatening to destroy their property, or even murder them. Stamps could not be sold in America, as there was nobody to sell them.

Britain tried to ignore the protests, but in 1766 Parliament had to repeal the hated Stamp Act.

The Stamp Act was repealed on March 4, 1766. The repeal was accompanied by the Declaratory Act, which stated the right of the British government to issue laws for the colonists to follow.

The Stamp Act was one of the chief causes of the American Revolution.


All the laws meant to raise money from the colonies were met with great indignation in America. — Все законы, предназ­наченные для того, чтобы взымать деньги с жителей коло­ний, были встречены в Америке с великим негодованием

the Navigation Laws were introduced — были введены За­коны о судоходстве

to state — гласить

were deprived of the choice — были лишены выбора

all the goods from Europe consigned to America were to be landed first in England — все товары из Европы, предназна­ченные для Америки, должны были выгружаться сперва в Англии

to make the colonists pay customs duties twice — заста­вить колонистов дважды платить таможенную пошлину

double taxation — двойное налогообложение

agitation — волнение

to calm down — успокоиться, затихнуть

The Stamp Act issued the same year — Изданный в том же году Акт о гербовом сборе

a means of raising revenue in the colonies — способ из­влечения доходов из колоний

George III — Георг III (1738—1820), английский король

The most conspicious assemblage took place in New York. — Самое значительное собрание имело место в Нью-Йорке

mobs threatening to destroy their property — толпы, уг­рожающие причинить урон их собственности

to repeal the hated Stamp Act — отменить ненавистный Акт о гербовом сборе

the Declaratory Act — Акт о верховенстве


1. Переведите на русский язык:

To raise money from the colonies, from the colonies only by the British ships, the colonists pay customs duties twice, first in England, with great indignation in America.

2. Выпишите из текста предложения, содержащие следующие словосочетания и переведите их на русский язык:

In 1764 the Sugar Act, the Quartering Act of, all official documents, King George III, twenty-seven delegates, the Stamp Act Congress of.

3. Составьте предложения со следующими словами и словосочетаниями:

On the eve, all the stamp agents, to destroy, to ignore, to issue laws, to sell them.

4. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

1. What did the Navigation Laws introduced in 1763 state?

2. Why did they cause wild protests in America?

3. What act was issued in 1764?

4. What acts followed in 1765?

5. How did the colonists protest against the Stamp Act?

6. When was the Stamp Act repealed?

7. Why was the Stamp Act one of the chief causes of the American revolution?

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