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Предлоги времени

Предлог Соотв. русский предлог Пример Перевод Устойчивые сочетания
After после after the meeting после собрания  
By к by Monday к понедельнику  
From…to from…till от…до from the beginning till the end от начала и до конца  
For в течение for a second в течение секунды  
During [+ noun] в течение during the film, the night во время фильма, в течение фильма during the eighties
On Upon когда? после,часто сочетается с герундием (Indefinite Gerund) on the 14 th of April on storing upon deleting on Monday on Monday morning 14 апреля   после записи после стирания on Sunday on Monday on Easter Sunday on Christmas day on Friday night on July 30th on a summer afternoon on that day
Since с since January с января  
Within в течение, не дольше чем within a week в течение недели  
In [+ period of time] в через in March в марте in (the) spring, in 1980 in the 19th century in the Middle Ages in the morning in the end (of)
While [+subject+ object] в то время как, пока I fell asleep while I was watching television. Я заснул, пока смотрел телевизор.  
To до five minutes to six без пяти минут шесть  
At в at 5 o’clock в 5 часов at 11:45 at midnight at lunch time at night at the week-end (Br. E.) at Christmas at the moment at the same time at the age of at the end of

Обратите внимание: предлоги at, on, in никогда не употребляются перед словами yesterday, tomorrow, next, this, last, every.

Задание 3. Заполните пропуски в предложениях следующими предлогами: at, on, in, for, since, during, by, until:

1. Jack has gone away. He'll be back ___ a week.

2. We’re having a party ___ Saturday. Can you come?

3. I’ve got an interview next week. It's ___ 9.30 ___Tuesday morning.

4. Sue isn't usually here ___weekends. She goes away.

5. The train service is very good. The trains are nearly always ___ time.

6. It was a confusing situation. Many things were happening ___ the same time.

7. I couldn't decide whether or not to buy the sweater ___ the end I decided not to.

8. The road is busy all the time, even ___ night.

9. I was woken up by a loud noise ___ the night.

10. I saw Helen ____ Friday but I haven't seen her ___then.

11. Brian has been doing the same job ___ five years.

12. Ann’s birthday is ___ the end of March. I'm not sure exactly which day it is.

13. We’ve got some friends staying with us ___ the moment. They're staying ___ Friday.

14. If you're interested in applying for the job, your application must be received ___ Friday.

Задание 4. Заполните пропуски в предложениях предлогами during, for, while:

1. Production at the factory was seriously affected ______ the strike.

2. I felt really ill last week. I couldn’t eat anything ____ three days.

3. When we were at the theatre last night, we met Ann ____ the interval.

4. I met Tom _____ I was waiting for a bus.

5. _____ we were in Paris, we stayed at a very comfortable hotel.

6. The phone rang three times _____ we were having dinner last night.

7. ____ our staying in Paris, we visited a lot of museums and galleries.

8. There were many interruptions ____ the Prime Minister’s speech.

9. Sue was very angry after our argument. She didn’t speak to me __ a week.

10. Jack started a new job a few weeks ago. Before that he was out of work __ six months.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-23; Прочитано: 694 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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