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Задание 3. Замените модальные глаголы их эквивалентами и переведите предложения на русский язык

1. People cannot see well in the evening; in order to see well they must light a lamp. 2. You may come in and sit down. 3. My friend must go to a rest home in summer: then he will be strong again. 4. We cannot see many stars without a telescope because they are very far from us. 5. Many stars are very far from us; therefore we cannot see them without a telescope. 6. In order to see certain stars we must use a telescope. 7. Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun that is why it may receive more heat and light than any other planet.

need/ have to

Don’t have to/ don’t need to/ needn’t + Infinitive Indefinite Выражает отсутствие какой-либо необходимости в настоящем или будущем времени You needn’t worry about it any more. - Не стоит больше об этом беспокоиться.
Didn’t need to/ didn’t have to + Infinitive Indefinite Выражает отсутствие какой-либо необходимости в прошлом, и неизвестно было ли действие совершено She didn’t need to buy a dress for a party. – Не было необходимости покупать платье на вечер.
Needn’t + Perfect Infinitive без частицы to Известно, что какое-то действие было совершено в прошлом, хотя в этом не было необходимости You needn’t have said that. – Не стоило тебе это говорить.

Задание 4. Раскройте скобки и заполните пропуски в предложениях следующими модальными глаголами: 1) needn't have; 2) didn't need/ have to; 3) don't need/ have to/ needn't.

"Have you seen Modem Familiesyet?" Paul asked Mary as he was checking through the cinema listings. "I saw it last night," she replied. "I ___ needn't have gone__ 1) (go) though. I already knew what it would be like." "Didn't you like it?" "Not really. The director___ 2) (spend) so much money presenting such a weak story. It's a good thing I ___ 3) (pay) to get in." "How did you manage that?" asked Paul. "I went with Tom," she answered. "Critics ___ 4) (pay) to see films you know." "How was the acting?" "Well, the director ___ 5) (hire) such good actors for a film like that," said Mary. "I mean you ___ 6) (have) much talent to sit around talking about nothing for hours." "Did Tom review it?" "He ___ 7) (write) about it. Somebody else had already done it for his paper. We just went out of curiosity, but really we ___ 8) (go).

Дата публикования: 2014-10-23; Прочитано: 744 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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