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Evaluation of cardiorespiratory endurance

Numerous tests have been developed to evaluate fitness levels. Most of these tests are based on the idea that cardiorespiratory endurance capability is best indicated by the maximal capacity of the working tissues to use oxygen (VO2max). We know from an earlier discussion that VO2max can be predicted or estimated by measuring heart rates at varying work loads. You can easily perform the following tests so that specific levels of cardiorespiratory endurance may be identified. Each of the tests described below is based to a large extent on one or both of the following factors: (1) the motivation of the person and (2) the minimal level of cardiovascular endurance.

2.8. Translate the following into English.

В основном, доставка кислорода в организме предполагает скоординированное взаимодействие четырех компонентов: (1) сердца, (2) крове-носных сосудов, (3) крови и (4) легких. Улучшение кардиореспираторной выносливости посредством тренировки происходит в связи с увеличением способности каждого их этих элементов снабжать необходимым кислородом работающие ткани. Общее осознание того, как влияют различные типы тренировочной техники на работу сердца, кровяных сосудов и легких, облегчает понимание того, как следует составлять программы реабилитации для поддержания существующих уровней кардиореспираторной выносливости.

2.9. Act out the conversation.


- How does blood transport oxygen throughout the system?
- Blood transports oxygen throughout the system by binding it with hemoglobin.
- What is hemoglobin?
- Found in red blood cells, hemoglobin is an iron-containing protein that can easily accept or give up molecules of oxygen as needed.
- What can produce an increase in total blood volume?
- Training for improvement of cardiorespiratory endurance produces an increase in total blood volume, with a corresponding increase in the amount of hemoglobin.
- Does the concentration of hemoglobin in circulating blood change with training?
- The concentration of hemoglobin in circulating blood does not change with training.
- Really?
- It may actually decrease slightly.

2.10. Give a talk on the text “Maintenance of Cardiorespiratory Endurance.”

III. Oral topic VIII

Дата публикования: 2014-10-29; Прочитано: 317 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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