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Neuromuscular/proprioception rehabilitation

1. Developing... rehabilitation program that incorporates proprioceptively mediated muscular control of joints necessitates an appreciation for... central nervous system’s influence on motor activities. 2. Joint afferents contribute to central nervous system function at three distinct levels of... motor control. 3. At... spinal level, reflexes subserve movement patterns that are received from higher levels of... nervous system. 4. This action provides for... reflex splinting during conditions of abnormal stress bout... joint and has significant implications for rehabilitation. 5.... muscle spindles play... major role in... control of... muscular movement by adjusting activity in... lower motor neurons. 6. Partial differentiation of... joint afferent receptors has also altered... musculature’s ability to provide co-contraction joint stabilization by antagonistic and synergistic muscles, thus resulting in... potential for re-injury.

5.7. Ask four types of questions to each of the sentences.

1. The second level of motor control is at the brain stem, where joint afference is relayed to maintain posture and balance of the body. 2. The input to the brain stem about this information emanates from the joint proprioceptors, the vestibular centers in the ears, and from the eyes.

5.8. Open the brackets and use verbs in a proper tense and voice forms.

1. The final aspect of motor control (to include) the highest level of central nervous system function (motor cortex, basal ganglia, and cerebellum) and (to mediate) by cognitive awareness of body position and movement. 2. These higher centres (to initiate) and (to program) motor commands for voluntary movements. 3. Movements that are repeated (can, to store) as central commands and (can, to perform) without continuous reference to consciousness. 4. Although considerable controversy still (to exist) relative to the role of joint and muscle receptors in the perception of joint movement, deep pressure, at the very least, (can, to appreciate) consciously during joint motion.

5.9. Fill in the gaps with prepositions if necessary.

1. With these three levels... motor control... mind, mediated... part... joint and muscle afferents, one can begin to develop rehabilitation activities to address proprioceptive deficiencies. 2. The objectives must be to stimulate... the joint and muscle receptors to encourage maximum afferent discharge to the respective central nervous system level. 3.... the spinal level, activities that encourage reflex joint stabilization should be addressed. 4. Such activities include sudden alterations... joint positioning that necessitate reflex muscular stabilization. 5. Balance and postural activities, both... and without visual input, will enhance motor function... the brain stem level. 6. Consciously performed joint positioning activities, especially... joint end ranges, will maximally stimulate the conversion... conscious to unconscious motor programming.

5.10. Complete the sentences with words from a box.

  to eliminate; the muscle cells; combination; glycogen; metabolized; generates; anaerobic; small; without; rely; referred to; simultaneously; intensity and duration; meet the demands; energy; lactic acid; recovery; running; system  

Дата публикования: 2014-10-29; Прочитано: 437 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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