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Common suffixes for nouns

-ance, -ence

Often used to form abstract nouns from adjectives ending in -ant or -ent:

patient – patience, toleranttolerance.


Used to describe a person on whom an action is performed: employee (= person who is employed), trainee (= person who is being trained).

- er, -ian, -or

Often used for people or things that do a particular job: act – actor, football – footballer, music – musician.


Used to form abstract nouns, especially those concerned with periods of life or relationships between people: childchildhood. mother - motherhood


Often used to describe particular religions or ideologies, and with some abstract nouns: liberalism, criticism, cynicism.


Used to describe people's beliefs and sometimes their occupation:

journalis, pianist.

-ity, -iety, -y

Used to form nouns from adjectives: anxiousanxiety, immuneimmunity.

-tion, -(s)sion

Often used to form nouns from verbs: imagine – imagination, admit – admission.


Often used to form abstract nouns from verbs: enjoy – enjoyment, move – movement.


Often used to form abstract nouns from adjectives: happy – happiness nervous – nervousness.


Used to form abstract nouns, usually about relationships: friend – friendship member – membership.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-29; Прочитано: 1115 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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