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Passive Voice. 1 the Passive is used when the person who carries out the action is unknown, unimportant or obvious from the context

1 The Passive is used when the person who carries out the action is unknown, unimportant or obvious from the context.

Mrs Archer’s ruby ring was stolen from her house last night.

2 When the action itself is more important than the person who carries it out,

as in news headlines, newspaper articles, formal notices, instructions, etc.

The teenagers were seriously injured in a car accident last night.

3 When we want to make statements more polite.

My new blouse is ruined. (More polite than saying, ‘You’ve ruined my

new blouse. ’)

Note: The Passive is used more often in written English than in spoken


  Active Passive
Present Simple it makes it is made
Present Continuous it is making it is being made
Present Perfect it has made it has been made
Past Simple it made it was made
Past Continuous it was making it was being made
Past Perfect it will make it had been made
Future Simple it will make it will be made
infinitive forms make to make be made to be made
-ing form making being made

Personal / Impersonal passive constructions

The verbs think, believe, say report, know, expect, consider, understand, etc. are used in the following passive patterns in personal and impersonal constructions:

Active: People say that he has lost his job.
Passive: It is said (that) he has lost his job. (impersonal construction) He is said to have lost his job. (personal construction)
Active People know that he works hard.
Passive It is known (that) he works hard. He is known to work hard.
Active People think he left the country last night.
Passive It is thought (that) he left the country last night.
  He is thought to have left the country last night.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-29; Прочитано: 1387 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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