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Customs regulations in Finland for both EU and non-EU travelers are controlled by the Finland Customs Department. To make sure your arrival in Finland goes smoothly, here are the current customs regulations in Finland:

- Typical travel items like clothes, cameras, and personal goods for the purpose of your visit can be taken through customs in Finland duty free, without having to be declared (green customs line upon arrival in Finland, blue customs line for EU citizens). Going through one of those customs lines is for travelers without anything to declare, but customs does random checks. If they find something that should have been declared, you may be charged double the import tax.

- Finland customs allows travelers to bring as much currency as they would like. There are no restrictions.

- The allowable limit per adult is 200 cigarettes or 250 gr of tobacco for non-EU citizens. Travelers living in the EU have no restrictions on tobacco, as long as it’s a sensible amount for personal use.

- Customs lets less than 22% alcohol if you’re 18 or over, and more than 22% alcohol if you’re at least 20. Limit: 1 liter of spirits or 4 liters of wine or 16 liters of beer can be brought into Finland.

- Finland allows travelers from the European Economic Area to bring personal prescription medicines (up to a one year supply) without a customs declaration. All others can bring a 90-day supply of personal prescription drugs to Finland. A formal doctor’s note may be requested by customs officials.

- They don’t allow to bring illegal drugs, prescription medicines not for personal use or in large quantities, weapons (includes knives) and ammunition, copyright infringing works, plants, fireworks, endangered animals’ furs, exotic animals and items made from such.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-29; Прочитано: 653 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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