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Exercise 1. Complete these sentences, using will or going to

1. A: Poor Sue went to hospital yesterday.

В: I'm sorry to hear that. I _____to buy some flowers.

2. A: This room's very cold.

В: You're right. I ___ the heater.

3. A: Are you still going out with Alice?

В: Oh yes. We____ get married next year.

4. A: Oh dear. I can't do this homework.

В: Don't worry. I _____ you.

5. A: Did you remember to book seats for the theatre?

В: No, I forgot. I _____now.

6. A: It's John's birthday tomorrow.

В: Is it? I can't afford a present but I_____a card.

7. A: How old are you?

В: I'm 64. I ______retire next year.

8. A: Why are you buying so much food?

В: Because I _____cook for ten people.

9. A: Jack is very angry with you.

В: Is he? I didn't realize. I _____ring him and apologize.

10. A: Why are you leaving so early?

В: Because the teacher gave us a lot of homework and I ____very


Exercise 2. Complete the following sentences using will or going to in the correct form. Sometimes both will and going to are possible.

1. A: I _____make myself a sandwich. Do you want one?

В: No thanks. I ____have something later.

2. A: Helen and Les _____Florida this year for their holidays.

В: How wonderful! The boys ____love it, especially Disneyland.

3. A: Bye, Mum. I ___meet Tom and Mel. I ___be back at about ten


В: Have a good time, but don't be late again or I ___be furious.

4. A: Jo _____be mad with me when she finds out I've smashed the car.

В: She ____understand. Just tell her it wasn't your fault.

5. A: I (not)____work today, I feel awful.

В: Don't worry, I _____ring your boss and tell her you're sick.

6. A: I'm tired. I think I ___go to bed.

В: Goodnight. I _____ watch the news, then I_____join you.

7. A: My boss has told me I _____be promoted. I'm afraid that means

longer hours at the office, darling.

В: Don't worry. I _____get myself a dog for company. I'm sure we

_____have more to talk about!

8. A: Mr. Smith, now you've won the lottery you be the fifth richest man

in England. How do you feel about that?

В: I _____tell you next week. I'm too overwhelmed to think about it


Exercise 3. Put the verbs in brackets into the Future Perfect.

1. By Christmas they___ (sell) over five million greetings cards. 2. By this summer the city council ___ (spend) £2 million on redecorating the old town. 3. By 2030 the climate in Europe ___ (become) much warmer. 4. By the end of this decade our town ___ (invest) $1 million in the tourist industry. 5. By the next Olympic Games many records in sport ___ (be) broken. 6. By the time scientists find a cure for AIDS, many thousands of people ___ (die).

Дата публикования: 2014-10-29; Прочитано: 1385 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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