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Exercise 4. John is a promising young scientist. Use the cues and the Future Perfect to predict his achievements in the future

1. by 2020/publish eleven books

2. by end of decade/discover a treatment that can cure all kinds of cancer

3. by the time he's thirty-five/become a professor

4. by end career/receive several honorary doctorates from famous universities

5. by end of next year/finish writing his PhD

6. by 2010/write a book about genetically transmitted diseases

7. by next summer/be to fifteen conferences

8. by 2015/do a lot of research on cancer

Exercise 5. Complete the sentences with a verb from the list in the Future Continuous.

give, work, write, watch, drive, put up, use

1. I won't be able to answer the phone in the afternoon. I____ a talk at a conference. 2. Why don't you drop by on Wednesday night? I____a tennis match and it will be more fun if somebody joins me. 3. I ___to town in the afternoon. Would you like me to give you a lift? 4. ___you ____your bike this afternoon? Could I borrow it for half an hour? 5. This time on Saturday I ____my tent by the lake. 6. We shouldn't disturb them tonight. Tricia ____her article and Nick ____on his lecture.

Exercise 6. These are predictions about the future of a group оf classmates in 2020. Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets in the Future Continuous or the Future Perfect.

1. Megan (work) as a columnist in a fashion magazine. 2. Peter (write) at least a few popular cookery books. 3. Kylie (take) part in a few expeditions to the Arctic. 4. Jeremy (receive) two Oscars for best special effects in sci-fi films 5. Pet (write) best-selling horror stories. 6. Andre (look) after his children at home.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-29; Прочитано: 832 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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