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Customs System


Russian customs system is pretty much the same in terms of allowing some things and not allowing others. Naturally, weapons, drugs, and dangerous chemical substances are not allowed aboard. Everything you can bring in, but the quantities should make it apparent the item is not brought here for sale. These quantities are: not more than 250 cigarettes, one bottle of liquor, and two cameras. If you want to bring in more, be ready to pay duty on them. It is useful to declare all valuable things you bring in, that is jewelry, computers, electronic devices, etc. Your baggage should not be more than 50 kilograms (110 pounds), otherwise you will have to pay custom tax. It is usually $5 per kilogram. This rule works not all the time, but just do not forget about that. If you plan to bring in medication that is not intended for personal use, you may face certain problems at the customs, for there are serious limitations on that. If you bring in a prescription medication, be sure to take your prescription with you. If you decide to bring in more than $500 in cash, you should officially declare the sum (it is not allowed to take more than $1500 outside the country if the money was not declared before that).

When you arrive in a Russian airport, you will get two forms. You should fill out one of them then and there, and you must keep the other one with you until your departure to declare the things you are taking out. Please keep the receipts of valuable things you buy in Russia. A person may not leave Russia with items which all in all are more than $3000 in value. It is not recommend you to buy any antiques or items of historical and cultural value, because in this case you will have to provide the supporting documents to the customs officers. Since the requirements of these supporting documents are not defined exactly, you may have some unpleasant moments. So it is better to avoid buying things like that unless you absolutely must. Religious icons and paintings are items which cause the greatest number of problems.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-29; Прочитано: 727 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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