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LEAD-IN. ¨ What do shipping documents include?

¨ What do shipping documents include?

¨ What functions does Bill of Lading perform?

¨ Define documents of title.

¨ Have a look at the documents given on pages 617-618; 632-634. Decide what functions each document fulfils. Is there anything specific about each?

Transportation involves a great deal of paperwork, both letter writing and document issuing. Shipping documents include waybills (road bills, air bills, railway bills, Bills of Lading), consignment notes, movement certificates, manifests, mate’s receipts, etc.

Consignment notes are used in road and rail transportation. They are not documents of title. They are not negotiable. They as well as waybills are obtained by the consignor after paying freight charges.

Any waybill confirms that the goods are received for transportation. Such a receipt when goods are carried by sea is called Bill of Lading. But if Air Bills serve only as receipts, Bills of Lading can be transferred both by the consignor (the exporter) and by the consignee (the importer).

GENERAL THROUGH BILL OF LADING The responsibility of each carrier being limited to its own line.
Shipped in apparent good order and condition by____________ at_______on board the motor vessel_______ (Carrier_________________) to be transhipped at ________ at ship’s expense, but at shipper’s and/or consignee’s risk, in to the motor vessel __________ or substitute, commanded by_______________ and to be forwarded to____________________________
  AGENT AT PORT OF DESTINATION: ____________________________________________________________________________________________   NOTIFY ADDRESS:_____________________ Ship’s agents are requested to notify the party in question of the arrival of the goods mentioned within, but failure to do so shall not involve Carrier or Agents in any responsibility, or relieve Consignee from their obligations.  

Exhibit 5. General Through Bill of Lading

Дата публикования: 2015-01-23; Прочитано: 262 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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