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Ex.3. Complete the sentences. 1. The goods are not in the actual (хранении) of the Carrier or his servants

1. The goods are not in the actual (хранении) of the Carrier or his servants.

2. Should it appear that the performance of the transport would (подвергнет товары на борту риску захвата) or damage or delay, resulting from war, warlike operations, blockade, riots, (гражданские волнения) or piracy, or any person on board to the risk of loss of life or freedom, or that any such risk has increased, the (капитан) may discharge the cargo at the port of loading or any other safe and convenient port.

3. This clause to remain in effect if (не может быть принудительно осуществленным) in the Courts of the United States of America.

4. Any dispute arising under this Bill of Lading shall be decided in the country where the Carrier has his principal (местонахождение компании), and the law of such country shall apply except as (предусмотренных в данном документе).

5. The Carrier shall have an absolute (право удержания) on goods for any amount due under this contract and for contribution in respect of (общей аварии) and for (спасения) to whomsoever due, including costs of (возмещения) the same and storage fees, any may enforce such lien.

6. The Merchant shall be liable for expenses of (дезинфекции окуриванием) and of gathering and sorting (неупакованного) cargo.

7. The Carrier’s (претензия о) any charges under this contract shall be considered definitely (подлежащей оплате) in like manner as soon as the charges have been (понесены).

8. The goods may be carried by any (маршруту) whatsoever, whether or not the most (прямой) or (объявленный) or (обычный маршрут), (через) any ports for whatsoever purpose visited, together with other goods of every kind, dangerous or otherwise, whether (уложенные) on or under deck. Vessels may sail with or without (лоцмана), undergo repairs, adjust equipment, (ставиться в сухие доки) and (буксироваться) in all situations.

Дата публикования: 2015-01-23; Прочитано: 215 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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