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Bessemer and open-hearth processes

In the Bessemer process no fuel is used. The pig iron from the blast-furnace is poured molten into the converter, and a strong blast of air is sent up through it. The air first oxidizes the silicon and manganese, which, together with some iron oxide, rise to the top and form a slag. The blowing is continued until the carbon content is lowered to about 0.05%. When the blow is completed the amount of carbon necessary to bring the carbon content to the specified percentage, together with manganese to counteract the influence of sulphur, and silicon to degasify, are added to the molten metal. The finished steel is then poured into a ladle, and hence it is poured into the ingot molds for subsequent rolling or forging.

Bessemer steel is considered to be inferior to steel produced by other methods. It is still used because of low cost of its production. Bessemer steel refined additionally in the open-hearth, or electric furnace, is called duplex steel.

The open-hearth furnace is rectangular and rather low, holding from 15 to 200 tons of metal in a shallow pool. The purpose of this furnace is to convert various types of ferrous material into finished steel of proper composition and quality. The open-hearth process is a very versatile one, for it involves melting, refining and dioxidation.

Electrical furnaces are used in making high-grade steels from cold material; they are also used in additional refining of steel produced by the Bessemer and open-hearth processes. The electric furnace is now capable of making high-grade tool steels equal in quality to the steels produced by crucible process.

2. Визначити перекладацькі лексичні трансформації, застосовані при перекладі.

3. Скласти міні-словник.

Контрольні питання

1. З якою метою застосовуються перекладацькі лексичні трансформації?

2. Чим зумовлена конкретизація?

3. Яка перекладацька трансформація є протилежною за напрямком до конкретизації?

4. Яка трансформація є експліцитним вираженням частини імпліцитного смислу оригіналу при перекладі?

5. Які частини можна вилучити при перекладі?

6. До яких частин мови можна застосовувати заміну?

7. У чому полягає перестановка слова?

Література: [3, c. 46-49; 4, с. 23-28; 7, с. 52-54; 12, с. 99-107; 14, с. 193-196].

Дата публикования: 2015-01-13; Прочитано: 290 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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