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Rubber stamp decisions made elsewhere — механически утверждать решения, где-либо

Принятые ранее

To pass judgements — принимать судебные решения

20.5. Reading for Specific Information + Language Study

Oral Practice. Work with a partner and discuss these comprehension questions on

Text 20.4

1. Which countries signed the Treaty of Rome?

2. What were the initial aims of the Treaty of Rome (of the European Economic Community)?

3. Was the Treaty of Rome amended by subsequent treaties?

4. By what treaties did the European Union come into being? What international organizations

formed this Union?

5. What authority exercises the executive management of the EU?

6. What problems does the Council of Ministers of the EU deal with? How is it formed? How

does it function?

7. What powers reside in the European Parliament and the European Court of Justice?

8. What powers is the European Investment Bank endowed with? What economic institutions of

the EU are known to you? What are their main functions?

9. When was the European Environment Agency set up?

10. What internal barriers were abolished in the EU by July 1, 1968?

When did the United Kingdom, Denmark, and the Republic of Ireland become full members

of the EU?

12. When was the common external tariff adopted in the EU?

13. What were the reasons for initiating the Single European Act in 1986?

14. What social and economic programme was embodied in the Single European Act?

Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 180 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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