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Body. In most areas, there has to be a unanimous vote for a policy to be approved. However, in some

Areas, only a majority vote is needed.

The European Parliament, based in Strasbourg, is made up of elected representatives (MEPs)

from the member states. The European Parliament is a relatively weak body: Until recently, it had

Almost no decision-making powers at all and even since the Treaty of Maastricht (1992), when its

Powers were increased, it has been able to do little more than rubber stamp decisions made elsewhere.

The intention is that the European Parliament will, over time, increase its powers to become

More like a national parliament.

The European Court of Justice, which meets in Luxembourg, is another powerful body. It is the

Ultimate court of law and is responsible for making judgements on EU law. It regularly passes

Judgements which have a significant impact on individual countries or the entire Community. For

Instance, its judgement on equal pension rights in 1992 forced the UK government to move towards

Equalising the state retiring age for men and women in the UK at 65.

Terminological Vocabulary to Text 20.4. Try to memorize it

Merger — слияние двух и более компаний

Euratom — European Atomic Energy Community

Unanimity — единодушие (коллегиальность)

Supreme Court — Верховный суд

Auditor — аудитор

Backward — отсталый

Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 154 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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