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Between the member countries and the setting up of a common external commercial policy,

A common agricultural policy, and a common transport policy.

3. The European Union was formed as a result of merging:

A) The European Economic Community, the European Coal and Steel Community, and

Euratom in 1967.

B) The European Economic Community, the European Monetary Union, and the Group of

Seven in 1991.

C) The European Economic Community, the Group of Ten and the European Free Trade Association

In 1979.

4. Decisions in the European Union are taken:

A) By a simple majority of votes, but each member country has a veto.

B) By unanimity (each country has a veto) or by qualified majority voting.

C) By qualified majority voting; six countries — the founders of the European Union — have a


5. On the basis of the Customs Union by 1968:

A) All internal import duties were abolished; a common external tariff was established; workers

And their families could move from one country to another without a permit, etc.

B) All internal import duties were abolished; a common external tariff was established; workers

And their families could move from one country to another only in accordance with established


C) All internal import duties were abolished; a common external tariff was established; workers

And their families could move from one country to another without a permit; the movement

Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 203 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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