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At Maastricht, the Netherlands and came into force in 1991. The Amsterdam Treaty of 1997

Made provisions regarding the membership of the Commission after further enlargement. Freedom

Of movement throughout the Union was endorsed, exception being granted to the UK and

The Republic of Ireland.

Since May 1, 2004 the EU numbered 25 full members, with Slovenia, Slovakia and Baltic states

Joining it. A number of other European countries applied to the EU to become its members.

Supreme bodies o f authority in the European Union

The European Council of Ministers is made up of a ministerial representative from each member

State. When agriculture is being discussed, then countries are represented by their agriculture

Ministers. When broad economic issues are discussed, it will be finance ministers who are present.

New policies put forward by the European Commission are either approved or rejected by the

Council of Ministers. Hence, the Council of Ministers is the most important decision-making

Body. In most areas, there has to be a unanimous vote for a policy to be approved. However, in some

Areas, only a majority vote is needed.

The European Parliament, based in Strasbourg, is made up of elected representatives (MEPs)

from the member states. The European Parliament is a relatively weak body: Until recently, it had

Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 213 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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