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Of capital, credits, and transfer of funds was regulated by the governments of the member


6. The Single European Act embodied the programme for:

A) The abolition of exchange controls, the introduction of a common currency — the Euro in

The recognition of qualifications, the public procurement tendering, etc.

B) The abolition of exchange controls; overcoming national differences in technical standards;

Establishing the European Central Bank and a common currency — the Euro.

C) The abolition of exchange controls, the recognition of qualifications, the abolition of restrictions

On internal transport, liberalization of the market in air services, public procurement

Tendering, life insurance and banking services, and the abolition of frontier controls.

Oral Practice

Hold a dialogue — business communication.

Work with partners.

1. Как мы уже отмечали, опыт развития I'm интеграц wиellо awнaнre ыof..х.

Процессов в мировом х о з я й с т в е Tсheв иEEдCе тmеeлrgьeсd тwвitуh.е..т in о 19 6п7р..о.хождении

ч е т ы р е •хE CэтSаCп —ов E вu roсpтeаaнnо Cвoлaеl aнnиd иS teэeкl оCнoоmмmиuчniеtyской

и н т е г•рEаEциCи:— уч Eреuжroдpенeaиnе зEоcнoыnсвoоmбоicд

нCоoйm т •mоEuratomр -Eurгopeanо Atomicвi Enetrgлy yComиmuni,


Образование таможенного союза, экономический союз

И полная интеграция с единой экономической политикой

Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 182 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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