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Р 2 Причастие в функции определения

Причастия в функции определения могут стоять до или после определяемого слова.

A rolling stone gathers no moss. (пословица)

A watched pot never boils.(пословица)

He gestured towards the box lying on the table.

The man injured in the accident was taken to hospital.

Упр.10 Р.1 Заполните пропуски глаголом из предложенного списка в требуемой по контексту форме (причастие I или II)

blow call invite offer read ring sit study work

1. I was woken up by a bell ____________

2. A lot of other people ___________ to the party cannot come.

3. Life must be very unpleasant for people _____________ near busy airport.

4. A few days after the interview, I received a letter _________ me the job.

5. Somebody ___________ Jack phoned while you were out.

6. There was a tree __________ down in the storm last night.

7. When I entered the waiting room it was empty except for a young man __________ by the window _________ a magazine.

8. Ian has got a brother ___________ in a bank in London and a sister __________ economics at university in Manchester.

Упр.10 Р.2 Преобразуйте сложные предложения в простые, содержащие определительный причастный оборот.

Пример: There are many endangered animals which are fighting for survival.

There are many endangered animals fighting for survival.

1. The train that is standing at platform 6 is for Doncaster.

2. People who live in high-rise blocks of flats often complain of loneliness.

3. The money that is given to old age pensioners is barely enough to live on.

4. The man who had been sent to repair my central heating was totally incompetent.

5. My aunt, who knew how much I liked chocolates, bought me a huge box for my birthday.

6. The equipment that is being tested for shock resistance now will be installed in the new shop.

7. The gas mixture composition that is used in the experiment is to be strictly controlled.

8. Minerals of little or no use which occur with ore minerals are called gangue.

9. The other paper which was presented at the conference dealt with the same phenomenon.

10. Many of the books that were reviewed in the paper are available in our library.

Некоторую сложность для понимания смысла предложения могут представлять

~ причастие II, стоящее после определяемого слова, которое является определением, при наличии в предложении личной формы глагола: The substance obtained contained some admixtures. (Полученное вещество содержало примеси);

~ причастия от глаголов follow (следовать за, следовать чему-то, придерживаться чего-то), refer (ссылаться (на работу, данные), говорить (о свойствах, явлениях), отсылать к (справочнику, таблицам), упоминать, attack (воздействовать на, начинать (работу, исследование)), имеют несколько значений и в английском языке являются переходными, а в русском – непереходными, т.е. переводятся глаголом с предлогом.

**Упр. 10 Р.3 Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык.

1. Almost everyone questioned cited at least one change.

2. Nearly one-quarter of all changes cited had to do with technology or science.

3. More significantly, almost half of the people questioned named at least one technological change; over 10 per cent mentioned two or more.

4. Some of the changes mentioned by the respondents duplicated others.

5. Changes linked to increased industrialization and to science and technology in general combine for 24 per cent of the total responses.

6. Cooling following heating gave good results.

7. Cooling followed by heating gave good results.

8. The paper on heat conduction of gases followed by the report on diffusion was presented by Dr. Lewes.

9. The paper on heat conduction of gases following the report on diffusion was presented by Dr. Lewes.

10. The scientist following this procedure investigated some phenomena of radioactivity.

11. The pattern referred to earlier is due to irregular distributions of crystals.

12. The data referred to in this paper are quite reliable.

10 P 3 Прилагательные, оканчивающиеся на –ing и –ed

Многие прилагательные в английском языке, оканчивающиеся на –ing, т.е. совпадающие по форме с причастием I настоящего времени, описывают воздействие чего-то (предмета, события, явления) на чувства людей.

He lives in a charming house just outside the town.

Многие прилагательные в английском языке, оканчивающиеся на –ed, т.е. совпадающие по форме с причастием II, описывают чувства людей. Они имеют пассивное значение. Например, ‘a frightened person’ это человек, который был чем-то испуган: a person who has been frightened.

Список глаголов, причастия от которых используются для описания человеческих эмоций или характеристики предмета или явления, вызывающие эти эмоции достаточно обширен. Он включает глаголы alarm, amuse, annoy, astonish, bore,convince, depress, disappoint, disgust, embarrass, excite, exhaust, frighten, interest, satisfy, shock, surprise, terrify, tire, worry и некоторые другие.

Важно отметить, что как и другие прилагательные, прилагательные оканчивающиеся на –ing и –ed, в предложении могут находиться:

~ перед определяемым существительным

The worried authorities cancelled the match.

This is the most terrifying tale ever written;

~ после глаголов-связок

The present situation is terrifying.

He felt really satisfied with all the work he had done.

Они могут модифицироваться такими наречиями как: quite, really и very, а также употребляться в сравнительной и превосходной степени.

His argument was more convincing than mine.

This is one of the most boring books I’ve ever read.

Упр. 10 Р.4 Выберите правильный вариант из каждой пары.

1. That was a really disgusting / disgusted meal.

2. I’ve always been interesting / interested in wild life, especially birds.

3. My husband has an annoying / annoyed habit of eating toast in bed.

4. I was horrifying / horrified to learn that I had narrowly escaped death.

5. It was a very embarrassing / embarrassed situation. I wished the floor could have swallowed me up.

6. He said he was quite satisfying / satisfied with my progress.

7. You look confusing / confused. Haven’t you understood what I’m talking about?

8. Your behaviour was shocking / shocked. You should be ashamed of yourself.

9. My exam results were rather disappointing / disappointed. I’ve got to retake the exams in September.

10. I’ve just seen a wonderful film about life in space. The special effects were amazing / amazed.

11. He told us a fascinating / fascinated story.

12. Have you heard what’s happened? Isn’t it exciting / excited?

Упр.10 Р.5 Заполните пропуски нужным по смыслу причастием I или II.

1. The book was so _______ that I couldn’t put it down.

2. The students were _______ by the lesson and nearly fell asleep.

3. John told some very _______ stories. We couldn’t stop laughing.

4. ~ You look _______ to see me! ~ I am. I thought you were in China!

5. She’s very _______ in modern art. She reads all the books she can about it.

6. Your exam results are _______. I thought you would do much better.

7. Please stop tapping your fingers. I find it very _______.

8. The bad news was very _______.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 881 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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