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G 4.2 Герундий в функции правого определения

Герундий может быть правом определения только для отвлеченных существительных и всегда употребляется после предлогов of, for, in,to:

advantage of, choice of, possibility of, excuse for, reason for, intention for, method for/of, plan for, evidence for, preparation for, experience in, interest in, skill in, chance of, discussion of/on, opportunity of, procedure/technique of, idea of, importance of, means of, necessity of, theory of, process of, right of, way of, objection to, opposition to

Исключением являются существительные trouble и difficulty, после которых герундий в функции определения употребляется без предлога.

**Упр.10 G.14 Соедините два предложения в одно, употребив герундий в функции определения.

Пример: We should exchange preprints of papers. The idea is good enough.

The idea of exchanging preprints of papers is good enough.

7. We should re-examine this conception. The necessity for this is great.

8. We must collect statistical information but the procedure is time- consuming.

9. We should look for a compromise solution. The idea is reasonable.

10. We should use this approach. The advantage of this is beyond doubt.

11. We can test the samples. The procedure is simple.

12. We can measure the density. The method is accurate enough.

13. We should localize the defect but the problem presents much difficulty.

14. We should look for a better technique. The idea seems reasonable.

15. You must congratulate her. She’s passed the exams. She’s succeeded.

16. He’s staying with us. Why do you object? I can’t understand it.

17. She doesn’t pass exams. She fails and this depresses her.

18. We didn’t take legal action. You advised and we followed.

Упр.10 G.15 Поставьте глагол в скобках в нужную по контексту форму (инфинитив или герундий). Определите его функцию в предложении.

1. I have no intention of ______ (go) to that film; I couldn’t bear ______ (see) my favourite actress in such a dreadful part.

2. After ______ (hear) the conditions I decided ______ (not enter) for the competition.

3. At first I enjoyed ______ (listen) to him but after a while I got tired of ______ (hear) the same story again and again.

4. It is usually easier ______ (learn) a subject by ______ (read) books than by ______ (listen) to lectures.

5. After ______ (discuss) the matter for an hour the committee adjourned without ______ (have reached) any decision.

6. He didn't dare ______ (leave) the house because he was afraid of ______ (meet) someone who might ______ (recognize) him.

7. He made a lot of money by ______ (buy) tickets in advance and ______ (sell) them for twice the price on the day of the match.

8. She rushed out of the room without ______ (give) me a chance ______ (explain).

9. After ______ (talk) for ten minutes I succeeded in ______ (convince) him that there was no danger.

10. He was furious at ______ (mistake) for an escaped convict.

11. As a result of ______ (listen) at keyholes he learnt many facts which he had no hesitation in ______ (use) to his own advantage.

12. I’d rather ______ (earn) my living by ______ (scrub) floors than ______ (make) money by ______ (blackmail) people.

13. We got tired of ______ (wait) for the weather ______ (clear) and finally decided ______ (set) out in the rain.

14. Without ______ (realize) it, he hindered us instead of ______ (help).

15. Before ______ (give) evidence you must swear ______ (speak) the truth.

16. He was fined for ______ (exceed) the speed limit.

17. He surprised us all by ______ (go) away without ______ (say) ‘Good-bye’.

18. By ______ (offer) enormous wages he is persuading men ______ (leave) their present jobs and ______ (work) for him.

19. He expects me ______ (answer) by return but I have no intention of ______ (reply) at all.

20. At dinner she annoyed me by ______ (smoke) between the courses.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 793 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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