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Lesson 32

38. Discussion. Answer the questions:

· Are the Ukrainians such keen readers of newspapers? Why do you think so?

· Below there’s a table newspapers and magazines published by Ukraine’s Publishing House. Look through the table and find out the year when:

a) Ukraine printed the largest number of newspapers/ magazines;

b) annual circulation of newspapers/ magazines was the largest one;

c) the largest circulation of newspapers/ magazines printed in Ukrainian language.

  Index Total
Newspapers 1. Number of newspapers 2. Annual circulation (mln copies) 3. Daily circulation (mln copies) 4. Daily circulation (mln copies) of newspapers in Ukrainian language   Magazines 1. Number of magazines 2. Annual circulation (mln copies) 3.Annual circulation of magazines in Ukrainian language (mln copies)                                                    

39. Read and memorize the words and word-combinations:

annual – річний

audience – аудиторія, публіка

broadcast – передача

circulation – тираж

current – поточний

to dominate – домінувати

edition – видання, випуск

editorial – редакційний

expense – витрати

to implement – втілювати в життя

increasingly – все більш

ownership – володіння

periodical – періодичне видання

periodicity – періодичність

to print – друкувати

to publish – видавати

Publishing House – видавництво

survival – виживання

thoroughly – старанно, ретельно, акуратно

40. Read the text and then do the tasks after it:


Newspapers started being published in Ukraine in the 18th century (e.g. the “Lviv Courier”, in Polish, since 1749).Ukrainian periodicals began with the “Kharkiv Weekly” (1812) and “Kharkiv News” (1817). After WW II Russian language periodicals began to dominate. Later, the Ukrainian proportion increased again. A total of 2659 newspapers were published in Ukraine in 1998 with annual circulation of 3096 mln copies, plus 1009 magazines with annual circulation of 57 mln copies.

The main national newspapers are “Golos Ukrainy” (“The Voice of Ukraine”), “The Courier”, “Pravda Ukrainy”, “Robitnycha Gazeta”, etc. They report national and international news very thoroughly.

Very popular magazines among the readers are the magazines “Bereginya”, “Vitchizna”, “Diloviy Visnyk”, “Karavan”, “Liza”etc. So there are magazines and periodicals for many trades, professions, interests. They can say what they like about anyone and anything: the army, top officials, private individuals, policy and so on.

At present Ukraine numbers over 4,000 editions varying in forms of ownership, genre, type, and periodicity. Today’s Ukrainian periodicals are independent and censorship-free. The state guarantees their economic independence, while taking steps to prevent publisher’s and distributor’s market monopoly.

41. Find out:

a) the names of the first Ukrainian periodicals and the date of their birth;

b) the names of the main national newspapers; if you can add the other ones;

c) the names of the popular magazines;

d) the number of editions in Ukraine.

Finish the following sentences:

1. Ukrainian editions vary in ________________.

2. The state guarantees _______________________.

3. Newspapers and magazines can say what ___________________.

4. 2659 newspapers were published in our country in ________________.

42. Answer the questions:

1. What things do you expect to find in newspapers? 2. Which give information and which provide entertainment? 3. How do newspapers affect the way people think? 4. Which are to your mind the most important newspapers in Ukraine? 5. Do you like to read newspapers/ magazines? 6. What sort of them do you prefer?

43. Complete the sentences:

1. _______________ I will definitely buy Ukrainian souvenirs.

2. If I go to Kiev ___________________.

3. If my pen friend came to my city __________________.

4. _________________ I would go to Museum of Western and Oriental Art.

5. If I have enough money ______________.

6. If I won million grivnas _____________.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-03; Прочитано: 362 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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