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Упражнения, предваряющие чтение текста

I. Просмотрите текст, найдите и выпишите:

1. Имена существительные с суффиксами, обозначающими исполни-теля действия: -er, -ant, -al.

2. Имена существительные с суффиксами: -tion, -ance, -ence (-ency), - ing,

3. Имена прилагательные с суффиксами: al, -ible, -ous, -ive, -an.

II. Догадайтесь о значении выделенных слов: arrive – arrival;recover – unrecovered;participate – participant – participation; dwell (syn. live) – dweller – dwelling; call – caller – calling.

III. Догадайтесь о значении выделенных слов из контекста:

1. The patrolman tagged two cars for running a stop sign. 2. After passing the sentence the policeman took those convicted to jail. 3. The police radio in Minneapolis operated on three frequences with three dispatchers. 4. The repertoire of methods of policing included their overt and undercover functions. 5. The search commander manned his operative group in some minutes.

IV. Заполните схему:

The officers took their instructions from time to time.

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V. Прочтите текст и ответьте на вопросы:

1. When did the patrolmen start their shift? 2. Did the patrolmen call for an ambulance? 3. The patrolmen warned a very loud party, didn't they? 4. Where did the patrolmen send a traffic offender? 5. Why did the patrolmen stop a car as they were returning to the precinct station? 6. Did the incidents often result in arrest? 7. What was the typical official outcome of police patrol?



American city dweller 's (житель) repertoire of methods for handling problems includes (включать) such as "calling the cops". We are going to review the way of policing, i.e. performing by the police their everyday mundane duties, in response (ответ) to citizen's calls for police service for a certain (определенный) past period of time.

Patrol cars, manned by two officers and assigned (назначать) to each of five precincts operated within the city. The officers met in the precinct station for roll call. (Roll call is an informal affair which takes place regularly every morning in each precinct). The presiding officer advised the patrolmen of crimes which occurred (случаться, происходить) in the precinct during the past 24 hours and of any possible unusual demands (запрос) for police service expected (ожидать) during the coming shift. In addition, the patrolmen got a fresh list of unrecovered stolen cars. Roll call usually took from ten to twenty minutes.

Most patrolmen operated on three shifts - midnight to 8:00 a.m., 8:00 to 4:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m. to midnight. Additional patrolmen, however, were on the street in the evening hours when the demand for police service peaked.

These patrolmen started their shift at 6:00 p.m., 7:00 p.m. or 8:00 p.m. Phone calls from citizens for police service reached the dispatcher in two ways, either by direct call to the police emergency (срочный вызов) number in the radio room or by referral (справка) from a precinct desk officer who received a citizen's call. The dispatcher dispatched the squad car responsible for the district in which the problem existed. If the district squad car was busy on another call, the dispatcher, depending on the urgency (срочность) of the call might send some other car to handle the call. A typical call by the dispatcher with responses from the squad car was:

Dispatcher: "555"

Squad car 555: "555".

Dispatcher: "Car 555 go to 34 - 1st Avenue, domestic".

Squad car 555: "34 - 1st Avenue, domestic".

The material that follows describes some of the calls and other matters handled by squad car 555 during its 8-hour shift.

12:33. 29 - Bryant, sick person. We learned from the woman at the door about her husband having serious ulcer (язва) difficulty. We called an ambulance, but did not wait for its arrival.

12:43. As we were passing a house, we heard a very loud party. We warned (предупреждать) the participants to reduce (понижать) the volume (сила звука).

12:50.30 - Finley. DK at the door. When we arrived, no drunk was there.

1:14.32nd and 1st, DK in the street. When we arrived, the drunk moved away.

1:30. Magoo's Bar, take a stolen (stolen auto report). When we arrived no one was there from whom to take a stolen auto report.

1:49. We provided transportation of a traffic offender to jail.

5:10. As we were returning to the precinct station, we saw a car running a red light. We stopped it, asked the driver to show his driver's licence. The driver had no driver's licence in his possession. We radioed to see if he had a driver's licence. They gave a negative answer. We allowed the driver to go with the officer to his home and obtain his licence. We, however, gave a tag (уведомление о штрафе) to a car for running a red light.

In addition to these regular precinct shifts, there was a tactical squad of about fifteen cars that was on the streets each evening except Sunday to handle the problems of "peace-keeping" activities of the police.

Those are only some of the non-law enforcement encounters the police dealt with during their routine policing in response to citizen's "calling the cops".

Thus the workload of the average patrol officer’s day was six-seven radio-dispatched encounters. An extremely busy weekend night could involve 20 dispatches to a single car. In 77 percent of the felony situations and in 51 percent of the misdemeanour situations no suspect was available when the police arrived at the scene, and the only citizen participant was a complainant or an informant or bystander. So the incidents rarely resulted in arrest and the typical official outcome was a crime report, the basic document for official crime statistics and further investigation by the detective division.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-03; Прочитано: 444 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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