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Modern surveillance system

Новые слова: reliance – доверие, опора, надежда; rescue – спасение, спасательный; спасать; breed – порода; keen – тонкий, острый (слух и т.п.); fugitive – беглец; emit – испускать, издавать; tagging and tracking – зд. блокировка и слежение с помощью “радиомаячков”; target – цель; bug – подслушивать с помощью микрофонов; wiretap – подслушивать телефонные переговоры.

A number of surveillance techniques are used by police, but their chief reliance is almost universally placed on patrolling.

Patrol systems. Patrols vary in methodology, assignments, structure and mobility.

Their flexibility has been significantly increased by improved methods of communication, especially the two-way radio, and by the availability of numerous types of vehicles such as the automobile, the motorcycle, and the bicycle.

Helicopters are used primarily for rescue work and special tactical situations requiring surprise or high mobility. In some countries short take-off and landing aircraft have been adopted for patrol and rescue work.

Police dogs. The training of dogs for police work was originally developed in Ghent, Belg., about 1900 and was soon copied elsewhere. Certain breeds with especially keen senses are used for special purposes such as detecting drugs or for tracking fugitives and missing persons and for regular patrol work.

Electrical protection systems. With the help of electrical protection (alarm) systems burglaries are substantially reduced and the capture of many criminals is realized. Central-station systems and local-alarm systems are the two basically used categories of burglar-alarm systems. Armed guards are on duty at all times and are dispatched to conduct immediate investigations of unauthorized entry of protected property.

Technical surveillance. The capabilities of law-enforcement agencies have been greatly expanded with the application of so-called technical surveillance: 1. Audial surveillance, 2. Optical surveillance and 3. Tagging and tracking.

Audial surveillance. For audial surveillance or “bugging“ and “wiretapping“ miniature microphones and radio transmitters, a variety of radio-receiving and voice-recording equipment are used.

Optical surveillance. In optical surveillance such devices as binoculars and telescopes; cameras with long-focal-length, or telephoto, lenses; close-circuit television; and video tape recorders are used by police and by private security systems. Low-light-level devices, night-vision telescopes are greatly used for passive optical surveillance in virtual darkness.

Tagging and tracking. In object tagging and signal tracking operations devices emitting a unique signal are attached to vehicles or implanted in targeted objects. Receiving or activating equipment is used to track the tagged objects. A typical device is a miniature radio transmitter commonly known as a “bumper beeper“ which is secretly attached to the vehicle. The target is tracked with surveillance vehicles equipped with appropriate receiving equipment.

(From Britannica EncyclopÆdia, v. 25, p. 967-968).


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