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Упражнения к тексту

VI. Найдите предложение, которое соответствует содержанию текста.

1. Patrolmen and traffic officers have spent a portion of their working time at the scene of traffic crime estimating the situation and punishing the violators.

2. It has been reported that 40 per cent of stolen cars has been dismantled and sold for spare parts.

3. Police patrols identify, record and analyze alcohol-related crashes and watch for persons driving under the influence during certain hours and on specific days.

4. For each moving violation traffic officers have punished bad-risk drivers by making a point in their records.

VII. Найдите в тексте и прочтите следующие предложения.

1. Можно отказать в выдаче водительского удостоверения тому, кто не сдал письменный экзамен, экзамен на умение водить машину или оба экзамена.

2. Офицер должен оформить вызов в суд на водителей, если они совершили достаточно серьезное нарушение правил дорожного движения и заслужили соответствующее наказание.

VIII. Дайте оценку утверждениям, используя слова "True (T), False (F), Sometimes (Smt)".

1. The great majority of patrol and traffic officers throughout the country have issued a citation for any minor traffic offence.

2. The Department of Motor Vehicles has played a major role in preventing accidents by not allowing unqualified drivers to get a licence.

3. Criminal statistics has shown a close relationship between traffic law enforcement and crime control.

4. The Criminal Investigation Department of every police is functioning as the police force traffic control body.

5. Traffic police have imposed fines not only on violating drivers but also on the pedestrians.

IX. Что было нового для Вас в этом тексте?

X. It is interesting to know

Do you know drive-safe signs and prevention-of-accidents signs?

Here they are:

1. Check your brakes and your brakes will check you

2. The driver is safer when the road is dry. The road is safer when the driver is dry.

3. Do you love your children? So do we – drive slowly.

4. It's better to be late, Mr. Motorist, than to be the late Mr. Motorist.

This is God's country. Don't drive through it like hell.

(From D.Bell, B.Bell. Keep Smiling! Sigma-Press. -M, 1996).

Text for Reading

Дата публикования: 2014-11-03; Прочитано: 342 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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