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During trial

1. DO arrive on time. The trial can not proceed (происходить) until all jurors are present. Do return to the courtroom promptly (сразу) after breaks and lunch.

2. DO pay close attention to witnesses. Concentrate both on what the witnesses say and on their manner while testifying (давать показания). If you cannot hear something, raise your hand and let the judge know.

3. DO keep an open mind all through the trial. DON’T form an opinion on the case beforehand. Remember that if you make up your mind while listening to one witness’s testimony, you may not be able to consider fully and fairly the testimony that comes later.

4. DO listen carefully to the instructions of the judge immediately before the jury begins its deliberations (обсуждение). Remember that it is your duty to accept what the judge says about the law to the case. DON’T ignore the judge’s instructions.

5. DON’T try to guess what the judge thinks about the case. Remember that the judge’s rulings (постановление) do not reflect personal views.

6. DON’T talk about the case with anyone while the trial is going on, not even with other jurors. It is equally important that you do not allow other people to talk about the case in your presence, even a family member.

7. DON’T talk to the lawyers, parties, or witnesses about anything. These people may ignore you outside the courtroom. Remember that they are not trying to be rude: they are merely trying to avoid giving the impression that something unfair (неправильный) is going on.

8. DON’T try to discover evidence on your own. For example, never go to the scene of any event that is part of the case you are hearing. Remember that courts decide cases only on the basis ofevidence admissible (допустимый) in court.

9. DON’T let yourself get any information about the case from newspapers, television, radio, or any other source. Remember that news reports do not always give accurate or complete information. Even if the news about the trial is accurate, it cannot substitute for your own impressions about the case. If you should accidentally hear outside information about the case during trial, tell the bailiff about it in private.

10. DON’T take notes during the trial unless the judge gives you permission to do so.

11. DON’T attempt to ask witness any questions. If you were to take part in asking questions, it’s hard for you to remain impartial (беспристрастный). In addition, because you are not a professional, your questions may not be proper under the rules of evidence. You’ll get the answers to most of your questions sooner or later in the course of questioning by the lawyers.

12. DON’T express your opinion about the case to the other jurors until deliberations begin. A person who expresses an opinion tends to pay attention only to evidence that supports it and to ignore evidence that points the other way.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-03; Прочитано: 720 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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