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Тема 9. Measurement

1. Memorize the following words:

drawing креслення, рисунок
mating парний
slide gauge штангенциркуль
vernier caliper штангенциркуль з ноніусом
depth gauge глибиномір
clearance gauge щуп
plug gauge калібр-пробка
bevel малка, конус
universal protractor універсальний кутомір
inside caliper нутромір
outside caliper кронциркуль для зовнішніх вимірів
significance значення
involve включати

2. Read and translate the text.


The size and shape of all machine parts should be in accordance with the corresponding drawing. The produced parts should be checked by means of measurement involving comparison either with some accepted standard or with a mating part. The significance of any measurement is determined by the degree of accuracy to which the parts may be measured.

Depending on measurements different measuring tools can be used such as rulers, slide gauges, vernier calipers, depth gauges, dial indicators, micrometers, clearance gauges, inside and outside calipers, plug gauges, bevels, universal protractors, etc.

When accurate measurement of the part is required, the vernier calipers, micrometers and slide gauges are used. When it is not so important to have an accurate measurement of the part, metal rulers, inside calipers and outside calipers will do.

3. Use the following words and phrases in sentences of your own.

Drawing, to measure, to involve, mating part, accuracy, slide gauges, vernier calipers, depth gauges.

4. Memorize the following grammar material:


(Майбутній завершений час)

+) Стверджувальна форма

I, we shall have V3
he, she, it, you, they will have V3

–) заперечна форма

I, we shall not have V3
he, she, it, you, they will not have V3

?) питальна форма

…shall I, we have V3
… will he, she, it, you, they have V3

Цей час означає майбутню дію, яка відбудеться раніше іншої майбутньої дії. Уживається зі словами: до 5 години – by 5 o’clock, до суботи – by Saturday, до 15 грудня – by the 15th of December, до кінця року – by the end of the year, до того часу – by that time, when he comes – коли він прийде.

For example: We shall have translated the article by 5 o’clock. They will not have shipped the goods by that time. Will you have learnt these terms by the end of the class?

5. Open the brackets and put the verbs into the Past, Future, Present Continuous, Past, Future, Present Simple, Past, Future or Present Perfect tense.

1) You (to read) that book yet? 2) Petrov (to leave) Kyiv? No, he is still in Kyiv.

3) When the delegation (to arrive) at Kremenchuk? It (to arrive) yesterday. 4) We (to translate) the text by 5 o’clock tomorrow. 5) You (to write) your report by that time tomorrow? 6) By the time we (to come) yesterday he (to look through) all the materials. 7) When I (to call) at his house, they (to tell) me that he (to leave) an hour before. 8) He (to study) German before he (to enter) the university. 9) Tom (to return) from the cinema at 5 o’clock. 10) They (to return) from the university by 3 o’clock. 11) You (to translate) this article by 4 o’clock yesterday? 12) We (not to meet) him this week. 13) She (to speak) over the telephone now? 14) He (to inform) us about his decision by next Friday? 15) She (to discuss) all the news by the time we (to come) home yesterday. 16) They (not to use) these devices last week. 17) Where you (to be) yesterday? 18) When we (to come) tomorrow, she (to write) her report.

6. Translate the following sentences into English.

1) Кого ви чекаєте? 2) Що вона щойно сказала? 3) Ми обговоримо їх пропозицію до 5 години завтра. 4) Коли ми прийшли, вони вже написали доповідь. 5) Я не бачив її сьогодні. 6) Я перекладаю дві статті за тиждень. 7) Наші клієнти ще не замовили це обладнання. 8) Ми відвантажимо товари до 5 години завтра. 9) Вони вже прибули до Києва. 10) Його повідомлення прийшло, коли я виходила з дому. 11) Мої друзі порадили мені замовити ці прилади. 12) Я не бачила їх з минулого місяця. 13) Різні види інструментів ми використовуємо для вимірювання. 14) Інструкція з використання цифрового індикатора докладається. 15) Вони замовлять ці зразки до наступного місяця.

7. Put the verb into the correct form, will be (do)ing or will have (done).

1) Don’t phone me between 6 and 7. I (to have) dinner then. 2) Phone me after 7 o’clock. We (to finish) dinner by then. 3) Tomorrow afternoon we’re going to play tennis from 4 o’clock until 5.30. So at 5 o’clock, we (to play) tennis. 4) I (to translate) this article by 3 o’clock tomorrow. 5) They (to discuss) that problem at that time tomorrow. 6) He (to invent) a new device by next year. 7) You (to learn) these terms by next lesson? 8) He (to work) hard all day tomorrow. 9) They (to help) from 3 till 4 o’clock tomorrow? 10) They (to suggest) a plan by next Monday. 11) He (not to do) these exercises by next class. 12) You (to order) this device by the 15 of December.

Дата публикования: 2015-09-18; Прочитано: 249 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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