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The starting point

Who is the First Diploma for?

Itis a foundation course for students with a general interest in engineering. You will learn about the different types of engineering; you do not specialize in one area.

What qualification do I need?

You must be at least sixteen years old with an interest in Engineering. You need at least three GCSEs including mathematics, Science, and Design and Technology.

What will I learn on the course?

You will learn:

• practical skills in manufacturing and maintenance

• about engineering materials, Computer Assisted Design (CAD), engineering measurement

• key skills in Information Technology

How will I learn?

The course is full-time for one year. You will spend some time in the classroom but most of your time will be spent doing practical tasks in the workshop, in the laboratory, or on computer screen.

How will I be assessed?


Each project is marked (continuous assessment) and there are tests at the end of each term. What can I do when I finish the course? You can use your First Diploma to help you to find a job as an apprentice. Alternatively, you can continue your studies and specialize in the area that interests you most.

3. Read the text again and decide if the sentences (1-6) below are true (T) or false (F).

1. The First Diploma is a beginner level course. T/F

2. Students learn general things about engineering. T/F

3. The course isn't practical. T/F

4. Students take one big exam at the end of the year. T/F

5. At the end of course, you can apply for a job as a trainee. T/F

Дата публикования: 2015-02-22; Прочитано: 1071 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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