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Examples of Posters

Sources: http://www.aso.zsi.at/aktuelles/2990.html and

http://geodata.grid.unep.ch/extras/posters.php – access date: August 29, 2011

Task 9 (b): You can watch a video “Making an Academiс Research Poster using Power Point” at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MqgjgwIXadA

1Task 10: Sum up the information on the United Nations and present it as:

(a) a poster about the whole UN system;

(b) a poster about the UNO activities in Belarus (in the group each student can be responsible for a part of the structure and the group-members will present the whole poster made of pieces in class),

(c) a poster about any international organization that Belarus is a member of.

Your Poster (a) could have the following structure

1. Title and authors.

2. Logos.

3. Foundation facts.

4. Main purposes as defined by the Charter.

5. Spheres of interest.

6. Structure of the UN system: main bodies, their organization and responsibilities.

7. Acknowledgements

You can read about the UN below in the part Reading (a) for poster making

A video ‘UN History’ might be helpful for your UNO poster.


Your Poster (b) could have the following structure

1. Programme title and poster authors.

2. Logos

3. UN body – running this program in Belarus.

4. Purposes

5. Implementation

6. Results

7. Acknowledgements.

The UN programs in Belarus are below in the part Reading (b) for poster making.

Task 10 (a): Reading (a) for poster-making:

While reading, fill in the missing information in the charts for each part of the text, these will be parts of your POSTER about the UNO.

Дата публикования: 2015-02-20; Прочитано: 235 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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