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Key words development

Task 6.1.Watch a UN video “It’s Your World”

Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bHmXZXsABm0

1. Tick the mentioned in the video

When natural disaster strikes the UN is often the first on the ground

a) to bring emergency humanitarian relief

Words from the video: natural disaster – стихийное бедствие to avert war – предотвратить войну to combat disease – бороться с болезнями smallpox - оспа polio - полиомиелит measles - корь
b) bringing clean water to communities in need

c) delivering food

d) vaccinating children

e) helping farmers to improve their harvest

f) opening hospitals

2. The UN was created

a) after the First World War

b) after the Second World War

c) during the Second World War

3. The UN is a world forum of

a) 193 nations

b) 192 nations

c) 92 nations

4. Security Council with its 15 members

a) focuses on peace and security

b) takes action to avert war

c) keeps the piece in many places across the globe

d) resolves conflicts

e) limits armaments

5. Millennium development goals for humanity are

a) to end extreme poverty

b) to free child-soldiers

c) to combat disease and hunger

d) to promote gender equality

e) to improve maternal health

f) to ensure environmental sustainability

6. The results of the UNO activities are

a) smallporx has been eradicated

b) polio and measles are combated

c) 3 mln. more children survive each year

d) additional 2 mln. receive treatments for AIDS

e) millions more people are in school

f) millions more children are in school

7. Why should we be united, in accordance with Ban Ki-Moon, the UN Secretary General?

Дата публикования: 2015-02-20; Прочитано: 267 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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