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The UN system

The Security Council is responsible for maintaining peace and tries to settle conflicts that threaten international security. All UN member states must respect and abide by its decisions. It can set up peacekeeping operations in the countries, where there is a war going on. The Security Council has 15 members, of which 5 are permanent: China, France, Russia, the UK and the USA. The permanent members can veto (stop) any decision in the Security Council.
Task 4: This factsheet tells you about the work of some of the main parts of the United Nations (UN) system. After reading each information box, sum up in TWO words the main aims and activities of each UN agency.

Aims, activities:____________________________

UNICEF (UN Children’s Fund) works for children rights, their survival, development and protection. UNICEF works to ensure that all children, everywhere in the world, enjoy the same human rights. UNICEF tries to make sure that children have access to education and healthcare, and that they are free from problems such as child labour, abuse and neglect.

Aims, activities:__________________

UNESCO is the UN’s Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation. Its role is to promote international cooperation in education, science, culture and communication and information. One of UNESCO’s priorities is making sure all children in the world have the opportunity to go to school. UNESCO also helps protect special cultural and natural places around the world through the World Heritage list.

Aims, activities:______________________

UNDP (UN Development Program) works to eliminate poverty. One of its main tasks is to coordinate global efforts targeted at eliminating poverty and inequality throughout the world.

Aims, activities:___________________________

Aims, activities:______________________

WHO (World Health Organisation) is the UN’s World Health Organisation. It is the international authority on global health and helps people to be free from preventable diseases like malaria and HIV/AIDS. WHO works to strengthen healthcare systems in every country so that all people can stay healthy and live longer, happier lives.

Aims, activities:____________________________

Task 5: Create sentences about the work of the UN bodies, using the words in bold from the boxes and the key words, written out by you below the boxes.

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Дата публикования: 2015-02-20; Прочитано: 332 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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