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Categorise the sentences as type А, В, С or D

A. I feel it my duty. → I feel (that) it is my duty.

B. She brushed the coat clean. → She brushed the coat, so it was clean.

C. He left the office a mess. → When he left the office it was a mess.

D. I always drink tea hot. → I always drink tea while it is hot.

1. We painted the walls white.

2. I think it a wonderful opportunity.

3. Serve the dish hot from the oven.

4. Some generals considered the attack a mistake.

5. The car looks shabby but I bought it new.

6. I wiped the bottle dry.

7. Bill returned the towels clean.

8. I'll prove you wrong.

9. They believed him innocent.

10. They discovered him dead in his room.

11. They brought coffee hot in a small coffee pot.

12. She has grown her hair long.

13. The Court declared the party illegal.

14. I left her calm.

15. They have drained the swamps dry.

The Verbs taking a Complement to the Direct Object are divided here into semantic groups. Can you account for this division?


1. He spells his name S-A-V-I-L-E.

2. In 'chemical' the 'ch' is pronounced [к].


1. I name the ship 'Ark Royal'.

2. They decided to christen their son Christopher.

3. My children called him Uncle Frankie.


1. Why should we elect him Mayor?

2. We appointed her treasurer.

3. Cedric the Saxon was crowned King of the Angles.


1. The jury declared him guilty.

2. They proclaimed it a masterpiece.

3. Keating sampled the wine and pronounced it drinkable.

4. She called me a coward.


1. The jury found him not guilty.

2. Joanna was diagnosed pregnant.

3. The evidence proved him innocent.


1. The music makes me sleepy.

2. You'll get your feet wet.

3. Iron turns water brown.

4. The accident left him totally blind.


1. Would you hold the door open for me, please?

2. That flask will keep the tea piping hot.

3. Who left the gates open?


1. He wants the door open.

2. I'd like my steak well-done.

3. I like my weekends quiet.

4. He preferred his coffee black.

5. You're lucky, I need you alive.


1. She wiped the dishes dry.

2. I washed the windows clean.

3. She cut her hair short.

4. She grew her nail long.

5. They painted the door red.

Дата публикования: 2015-02-18; Прочитано: 248 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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