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Insert the appropriate modal of obligation

1. All applicants … take an entrance exam.

2. All hunters … get a license in this country.

3. Paseengers … cross the line by the footbridge.

4. Candidates … get the signatures of eight assenters.

5. Visitors … remain silent.

6. Parents … accompany their children at all times, unless the child is in a supervised group.

7. A witness … tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

8. A member … wear a uniform.

9. To become a member you … pay a contribution.

10. Every company … by law submit accounts annually.

Divide the sentences into two groups: in some of them MUST means Certainty based on Logical Deduction; in the others – Obligation.

1. The receptionist must have a complete knowledge of the hotel.

2. Mary must have some problem: she keeps crying.

3. You must remember him well.

4. You must forget her and find another woman.

5. The rest you must know.

6. You must have air.

7. Please, you must have an envelope somewhere.

8. She must be enjoying her holiday now.

9. Well, you must lose some weight then.

10. But you must have a very special reason.

What other verbs of obligation (SHOULD, OUGHT TO, HAVE TO, BE TO, NEED TO) can you use in each of the sentences? Comment on the shades of modal meaning.

1. I must /… water the plants.

2. Please, Aunt Louise, you must /… help me.

3. She must /… get as much walking practice as possible.

4. One must /… have opinions.

5. We must /… raise living standards.

6. He must /… marry Selina and raise a family.

7. I must /… make some calls first.

8. Everyone must /… have certain goals in life.

9. I must /… go and get some sleep.

10. You must /… practice patience, my lady.

11. First she must /… make an appointment.

12. Now listen to me, Constance, you must /… phone your mother.

13. They must /… wear white fist protectors of an approved type.

14. You must /… fasten your seat belt.

15. He must /… resolve the matter with Lady Maude.

Дата публикования: 2015-02-18; Прочитано: 226 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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