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To each case


a) My father allows me some money for books.

b) I can allow you 10% off the price if you pay now.

c) Mrs Pennington allowed herself small indul­gences.

d) She allowed her imagination full play.


a) I lent you £2.50 a month ago; I'll forgive you the 50 p., but I want the £2 back.

b) I find it hard to forgive him his unkindness to Anna.

c) Oh Lord, forgive us our trespasses.


a) Thank you very much for granting me so much of your valuable time.

b) The authorities have refused to grant him a visa to visit the US.

c) The government granted the prisoner one re­quest.


a) He didn't leave her anything in his will.

b) You leave me no choice.

c) We must leave him some escape.

d) Did he leave me a message?

5. OWE

a) They owe her $ 2,000.

b) I owe her everything.

c) He owed her an apology.


a) He refused me the book.

b) The authorities refused him a visa.

c) You wouldn't refuse an old friend a favour, would you?

d) The government refused them permission to build here.


a) Save the rest of us something to eat.

b) This measure would save the government £185 million.

c) He resigned immediately to save them the bother of sacking him.

8. SET

a) Try and set your younger brother a good example.

b) The teacher set them a difficult exam.

c) The new management has set us three aims.


a) We wouldn't have much coffee, but we can spare you a little.

b) Can you spare me a few minutes today?

c) He wanted to spare you embarrassment.

d) They spared him his life.


a) Our school taught us discipline and self-respect.

b) Who taught you German?

c) She taught me several card tricks.

d) I'll teach him a good lesson!

The Ditransitive Verbs used below have restricted combinability with Nouns as Direct Objects. Make lists of such Nouns; translate the contexts into Russian.


1. It was her loyalty and support that won me the championship,

2. This speech may have won him the confidence of the voters.

3. That mistake lost us the game.

4. The socialists' tax policies lost them the election.

5. This blunder may cost you your reputation.

6. You thoughtfulness has cost your poor mother many sleepless nights.

7. Her communication skills landed her a job as soon as she finished studying.

8. He's lucky to have secured himself such a good job.

9. That's going to secure him the support of the voters.

10. His eccentricity earned him a useful reputation.

11. His victories earned him the title of 'the Great’.


1. I think I should leave. I feel I’ve caused you enough trouble.

2. The road works caused us a lot of inconvenience as it took longer to get to work.

3. Try to isolate the problems that are causing you the most difficulty.

4. I could have spared myself the trouble.

5. The man's identity is not being revealed to spare him further embarrassment.

6. That will save us a lot of trouble.

7. It saved us so much time and effort.

8. You could save yourself a lot of work if you used a computer.


1. I envy you your nice relaxed lifestyle.

2. I envy him his cheerful good nature.

3. I envy you your good fortune.

4. I don't envy him his bad-tempered wife.

5. I don't envy you your journey in this bad weather.

6. I don't think anyone will begrudge you a few days' break — you've so hard.

7. I do not begrudge her that happiness.

Дата публикования: 2015-02-18; Прочитано: 344 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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