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Exercise 1 Complete the sentences with a question tag

Your name is Asel, isn`t it?

1. You don’t take sugar in your coffee, ___________?

2. He is on holiday this week, ______?

3. You would like to come, _______?

4. There is a bank near here, ______?

5. She bought some stamps, _____?

6. They`ve seen this film before, _____?

Exercise 2 Underline the correct word or phrase.

Example: I don’t mind to wait / waiting.

1 My brother’s really good at ski / skiing.

2 I didn’t spend enough long / long enough checking what I’d written.

3 If I wanted to buy a car, I would borrow / had borrowed money from the bank.

4 I’ve just moved to this town and I’m looking for the library / the library for.

6 You went to Spain for your holiday, did / didn’t you?

7 I forgot turning / to turn off the television when I went to bed last night.

Exercise 1 Listen [3.T. 12.8]. Listen to the text and give T (true), F (false) answers

  True False
  Jane was taken off the isle by helicopter    
  At the birth there were two midwives    
  One of the problems was that Jane`s husband wasn`t there    
  The baby was named Edith Mora    
  The story appeared with the photo in all the local newspapers    

Дата публикования: 2015-02-18; Прочитано: 1280 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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