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Exercise 9 Complete the following sentences according to the text

1. Visitors are advised to use their cars where no …

2. People are apparently less likely to startle animals if they stay…

3. Wherever possible use a …

4. Don’t mix wild animals and …

5. Please, leave your dog …

Exercise 10 Complete the examples using one of these expressions once:

But, (and) yet, however, nevertheless, although, even though, despite, in spite of

1 It rained heavily in the autumn …, there is still was not enough water.

2 … they hate to shoot animals, sometimes it is necessary.

3 Every year thousands of zebras cross the river, … the danger from crocodiles.

4 Bears became a protected species, … their numbers continued to decline.

5The increase was slight in 1995-2000, … much greater in 2000-2005.

Exercise 8 Write a dictation.

Exercise 9 The National Zoo is looking for volunteers who admire animals and want to help them. Write your CV and a Cover Letter using the following phrases.

Useful phrases to be fond of something to say the truth to be eager frankly speaking to have an allergy to take care of some one endangered species to be injured living creatures inhabitant of rock pools



[1, p.140]

· Look at the chart below, compare the sentences.

Active Passive
They make Mercedes cars in Germany. Mercedes cars are made in Germany.
Kanysh Satbaev made a valuable contribution to science. A valuable contribution to science was made by Kanysh Satbaev.
We are redecorating our living room now. Our living room is redecorated by us now.
Nobody invited me to the party. I was invited to the party by nobody.
They have built a lot of houses since 1999. A lot of houses have been built since 1999 by them.
The plant will produce 10,000 cars next year. 10, 000 cars will be produced by the plant next year.
Films inspire people to travel. People are inspired to travel by films.
James Cameron directed Titanic. Titanic was directed by James Cameron.

· Complete the sentences by putting the verbs into the correct passive form.

Example: The country with the smallest film industry is Iceland, where only three films are made in a year. (make)

  1. More than 26, 000 costumes ________ in the 1963 film Cleopatra. (use)
  2. The most filmed character is Sherlock Holmes, until now, more than 200 different films________ about him. (make)
  3. Spielberg’s film The Color Purple ________ for 11 Oscars in 1985 but didn’t win any. (nominate)
  4. Macaulay Culkin ________ $4.5 million dollars for his role in Home Alone in 1990. (pay) This was a record for a child at that time.
  5. The director Stanley Kubrick died while his film Artificial Intelligence ________.(make) Spielberg ________ to finish the film.(ask)

1. Choose the right variant. The letter … two days ago.

a) were sent

b) be send

c) have been sent

d) was sent

2. Choose the right variant. He ….. go out after 10 p.m.

a) isn’t allowed

b) isn’t allowed to

c) aren’t allowed to

d) isn’t allow to

3. Choose Present Continuous Passive

a) We are redecorated our kitchen at the moment.

b) We are redecorating our kitchen at the moment.

c) Our kitchen is being redecorated at the moment.

d) We were redecorating our kitchen at the moment.

4. Choose Present Simple Passive

a) English is spoken here.

b) English was spoken here.

c) English is spokening here.

d) English is being spoke here.

Дата публикования: 2015-02-18; Прочитано: 2115 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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