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Exercise 6 Make a dialogue with your partner using the following questions

· Which are the most interesting wild creatures in your country?

· Are any of them considered dangerous?

· How do people protect themselves from dangerous creatures?

Exercise 7 Listen to Moira Mackenzie, the author of a well-known series of travel guides, who will be talking about wildlife area in Europe. Then do the test. [3, p.123]-3 min.

  1. There’s a huge range of wildlife in

a) the highland

b) the desert

c) the mountains

  1. You should make an effort not to disturb

a) mammals

b) birds and animals

c) insects

  1. You should avoid brightly-colored garments such as

a) pink dresses

b) orange anoraks

c) red trousers

  1. To see wildlife clearly, it’s best to use

a) glasses

b) binoculars

c) digital camera

  1. Keeping your distance is particularly important during

a) the summer season

b) the breeding season

c) the winter season

Exercise 8 Answer the following questions:

Is there a huge range of wildlife in the highlands?

What should you do in order to blend in with your surroundings?

Why are visitors advised to use their cars?

Why should visitors leave their pets at home?

Дата публикования: 2015-02-18; Прочитано: 689 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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