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Consolidation of grammar. Circle the correct form

a) You mustn’t / don’t have hurry. We have plenty of time.

b) You must / should remember to write the report. The boss will be furious if you forget.

c) The exhibition was free so I hadn’t to / didn’t have to pay.

d) Do you have to / Should you wear a uniform at your school?

e) We must / had to wait two hours at security and nearly missed our flight.

Exercise 1 You will hear three people talking about inviting guests home for a meal. Listen the first part and do the test. [4.9 pp36].(1min 20 sec.)

a) Japanese usually invite guests home at the weekend for______

a) dinner b) supper c) lunch

b) They must tidy the front garden and clean the _______

a) yard b) entrance hall c) rooms

c) The guests bring _______ gift

b) very big b) tiny c) small gift

d) They try to serve traditional Japanese meals like______

a) sushi b) hamburger c) fish

e) If you don’t understand their ______, you may think this is very strange.

a) language b) people c) culture

Listen again and answer the following questions.

a)When do Japanese people invite guests?

b) What do they do before the guests come/

c) What gift do they bring to the host and hostess?

d) Do they serve traditional Japanese food all people?

e) How do they see the guests out of the house?

Exercise 3 Work in small group. Which national sport and games do you like? Why? Kazaksha kures (Kazakh wrestling), baiga (horse racing over 25, 50 or 100 km), kokpar (a sort of polo game played with a dead goat)


1. 1. All nationality words have capital letters in English 2. The French the Italian the British 3. 2. If the adjective ends in /s/, /z/, / ∫ / or /t∫/ there is no –s at the end of the 4. word for the people. Japanese the Japanese Spanish the Spanish 5. 3. Sometimes the word for the people is different from the adjective. 6. Scottish the Scots 7. Finnish the Finns 8.

Read the text in original. [7]

Дата публикования: 2015-02-18; Прочитано: 1411 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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