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Answer the Questions. 1.Where was James Joyce born?

1.Where was James Joyce born?

2. Where did he set all his books?

3. What is his first major work?

4. In what way does Stephen Dedalus resemble James Joyce?

5.What novel made him one of the most celebrated novelists of the 20-th century?

6. What parallels did Joyce establish in «Ulysses»?

7. What stylistic innovations did Joyce introduce into his nov­els?

8. What other works except novels did Joyce write?

9.5. D. H. Lawrence

D. II. Lawrence (1885—1930), was an English writer known chiefly for his novels. His fiction shows deep concern for the rela­tionships between men and women and the complications of these relationships. Many of his works deal with people torn by the need for both love and independence.

David Herbert Lawrence was born in Eastwood, a coal-mining town in Nottinghamshire. His first major novel. «Sons and Lovers» (1913), describes his early life there. This novel, like most of Lawrence's other works, criticizes social attitudes that he believed were filled with hypocrisy and self-deception. It urges men and women to follow their instincts and is highly critical of industrial society. Lawrence thought such a society separates people from their feelings.

Lawrence used experimental techniques and unconventional themes that made him one of the most controversial authors of his time. For example, his frank discussion of sexual passion shocked many readers, and some of his novels were considered obscene. Lawrence's most famous novel, «Lady Chattcrley's Lover» (1928), was banned from publication in the United States until 1944, when a shortened version appeared. The complete novel was not pub­lished in the United States until 1959.

Lawrence's other novels include «The Rainbow» (1915), «Women in Love» (1920), and «The Plumed Serpent» (1926). A collection of his essays called «Studies in Classic American Litera­ture» (1923), ranks as a classic of literary criticism. Lawrence wrote many short stories, including «The Captain's Doll», «The Fox», «St. Mawr», «The Man Who Died», «The Rocking Horse Winner», «The Virgin and the Gypsy», and «Odour of Chrysanthemums». In addition, Lawrence wrote several poems and plays.

Lawrence suffered from tuberculosis and traveled widely in an effort to improve his health. He made several trips to Australia, Italy, and Mexico, and these journeys supplied the background for many of his works.


chiefly - в основном complication - осложнение attitude - отношение hypocrisy - лицемерие self-deception - самообман urge - побуждать separate - отделять controversial - противоречивый passion - страсть obscenc - непристойный ban - запрещать odour - аромат, запах improve - улучшить background - фон

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