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Ex. 14. Read the text about Netiquette and check your answer to Exercise 12. Then write the headings (a-d) above the correct paragraphs (1-4):

a) rules for talking on-line; b) invading privacy; c) the Golden Rule; d) culture and netiquette.

1. …

People in the West usually shake hands when they first meet. Good friends in Middle Eastern cultures kiss each other three times on the cheeks. The Japanese bow their heads to show respect and the Thais bring their hands together in front of their face. The online community, too, has its own culture and customs. Good Internet behavior is called Netiquette.

2. …

The Internet is an international of communication where you can talk to people on-line. Asking questions is fun but making jokes about people from other cultures can lead to misunderstanding and bad feelings. Sending hurtful or insulting messages, or flames, to people is bad behavior. Bad language is not cool. Everyone is happy when people are friendly.

3. …

Netiquette includes more than good spelling and grammar. Typing in all upper case is bad as it is the same as SHOUTING. Not starting your sentences with capital letters is lazy. Sending e-mails with ‘Hello’ and ‘Thank you’ is nice. The Golden Rule is “Treat others in the same way that you like to be treated.” Remember, real people read what you type!

4. …

It is also bad Netiquette to send people spam. This kind of e-mail means people have to cancel something that they did not ask for in the first place. When you use Cc: instead of Bcc: you send other people’s e-mail addresses without their permission. This is an invasion of their privacy and breaks the Golden Rule.

Remember these ten netiquette commandments by heart.

1. Be polite. You’re speaking to a human being not to a machine.

2. Don’t use CAPITAL LETTERS! This is considered as shouting.

3. Have a look at the tone of the conversation in the room before you take part. You may not like that channel.

4. Ignore those people who don’t follow these rules.

5. Don’t believe all the things people might tell you. Some people lie just for fun.

6. Don’t give personal information (your real name, address, password, etc.).

7. Protect your computer. Use a firewall and antivirus programs.

8. Don't accept files from people you don't know. They might be or contain Trojans.

9. In short, follow the same rules as in real life.

10. Enjoy your chat and have fun!

Ex. 15. Work in pairs. Match the emoticons with the meanings and descriptions in the box. Do you know any others?

1.:(   2.:(( 3.:D 4.:)
5. >:( 6. B) 7.:| 8.:O
shouting I don’t care! sad very sad  
very angry cool sunglasses smiley laughing happy

Ex. 16. We often use abbreviations in on-line chats and Instant Messaging. Match the most common abbreviations with their meanings:

ASAP Laughing out loud IMO Face to face
BBS are LOL see
BFN you TIA be
BTW Good luck msg By the way
F2F In my opinion ur I love you
GL Hug and kiss   Message
IC Bye for now   your/you’re
ILU In other words b As soon as possible
c Be back soon r Thanks in advance
u I see H&K for
IOW to    

Ex. 17. Rewrite this IM chat using abbreviations.

Paulo: By the way, are you free on Saturday?
Emma: Sure – it would be good to meet face to face. Shall we go for a coffee?
Paulo: Good plan. Cafe Moka makes the best coffee, in my opinion.
Emma: It’s the closest to your house in other words!
Paulo: Laughing out loud! Yes, you’re right! But the coffee really is good.
Emma: See you at 4?
Paulo: Great. Bye for now.

Ex. 18. Read the article and find websites for the following tasks.

1. To search for information on the Web. 2. To buy books and DVDs.

3. To participate in political campaigns. 4. To view and exchange video clips. 5. To manage and share personal photos using tags. 6. To buy and sell personal items in on line auctions. 7. To download music and movies, sometimes illegally.

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