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Computerized Devices

Ex. 1. Everybody nowadays uses a lot of computerized devices having an electronic chip inside. Read about some of them.

Smart Watches. There's no doubt that with the popularity of smart phones that can manage virtually every aspect of our lives, the trend in technology is to get more and more “connectivity” into smaller and smaller packages.

Simultaneously, wrist watches have become a lesson in technological redundancy for many people. Ask a friend for the time of day and they're just as likely to glance at their smart phone as they are to look at an actual wrist-bound timepiece. The newest wave of smart watches aims to change all that.

Smart watches are digital watches that do more – a lot more – that your old analog time tracking device. We’re not talking about that once-amazing calculator watch that you had in elementary school. These are full-fledged digital tools. Smart watches can run apps and play back all sorts of digital media, like audio tracks or radio streamed to Bluetooth headphones. Many of these watches have touch-screens, which allow you to access functions like a calculator, thermometer, compass and more.

Most of the current iterations of smart watches aren’t wholly standalone devices, simply because they lack an Internet connection. So, many of the watches are designed to link directly with other devices that do have Internet connectivity, namely your smart phone.

Just as with your smart phone, Internet access enables a smart watch with whole world of potential capabilities, like message notifications, GPS navigation and calendar synchronization. And of course, a Bluetooth connection to your phone means the watch can help you place calls or send and receive messages.

Some smart watches are made specifically for athletics purposes, letting you track your lap times, distance and route. They may work in tandem with accessories such as a heart rate monitor or cadence sensor. There are specialty smart watches built especially for sailing enthusiasts, helping them track variables such as speed, wind direction and wind speed.

LED T-shirt. Many of us immediately associate the phrase wearable technology with smart watches and products like Google Glass, but we’re also getting closer to our clothes linking up with our smart phones too. The latest, and coolest example yet is t-shirt OS 2.0, a funky digital shirt with an LED display on the front, ready to broadcast your message to the world. The LEDs allow for custom messages and animations to play across your chest, and it’s all controlled by an app on your phone.


Дата публикования: 2015-03-29; Прочитано: 1036 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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