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Types of Computers

The types of computers range from the Hybrid to the Analog types. The computers you come across in your daily life range from laptops, palmtops to desktop and super computers. According to the classification based on operational principle the types of computers are analog and hybrid.

Analog computers. The Analog computer is almost an extinct type of computer these days. It is different from a digital computer in respect that it can perform numerous mathematical operations simultaneously.

Hybrid computers. These types of computers are, as the name suggests, a combination of both Analog and Digital computers. The Digital computers which work on the principle of binary digit system of 0 and 1 can give many precise results. But the problem is that they are too slow and incapable of large scale mathematical operation. Based on capacity, speed and reliability they can be divided into the following 3 categories:

1. The Mainframe Computers. These are computers used by large organizations like meteorologist surveys and statistical institutes for performing bulk mathematical computations. They are core computers which are used for desktop functions of over one hundred people simultaneously.

2. The Microcomputers. These are the most frequently used computers better known by the name “Personal Computers”. This is the type of computer meant for public use. The choice ranges as follows: hand-held personal computers (HPC) (a slightly larger and heavier version of the PDA), PDA (often use flash memory instead of a hard drive for storage. These computers usually do not have a keyboard but rely on touch-screen technology for user input), laptop (also called a notebook, that integrates the display, keyboard, a pointing device, processor, memory and hard drive all in a battery-operated package), desktop (is not designed for portability), workstation (a desktop computer that has a more powerful processor, additional memory and enhanced capabilities for performing a special group of tasks, such as 3 D Graphics or game development).

3. The Super Computers. It is somewhat similar to mainframe computers and is used in economic forecasts and engineering designs. Today life without computers is inconceivable. Usage of different types of computers has made life both easier and fast paced.

Ex. 1. Give English-Russian equivalents of the following words and expressions:

настольный компьютер, reliability, на основе, simultaneously, вышедший из употребления, laptop, надежность, extinct, карманный компьютер, fast pace, персональный цифровой секретарь, inconceivable, handheld PC.

Ex. 2. Answer these questions.

1. Which types of computers are there in terms of the classification based on operational principle? Characterize each one. 2. How can computers be classified according to the principle of physical structures and the purpose of their use? Speak on the tree types.

Ex. 3. Summarize the text using the words from Exercise 1.

Дата публикования: 2015-03-29; Прочитано: 1156 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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